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That is the source of a debate going on among scientists who have studied the data from the Mars exploration robots. The data is ambiguous and tantalizing, hence the debate. The majority opinion, however, is that the data does not prove, or even strongly indicate the presence of microbial life on Mars.

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Well, they could be, if they some sort breathing mechanism "installed" in their tubular diphrophis, but other than that, i don't sustainable could possibly be achieved.

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Q: Are there any microorganisms living on Mars?
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Are microorganisms important in the living world?


Do microorganisms do any GOOD things in the world?

Absolutely. The microorganisms in your digestive system help your body break down food. The food chain that EVERY living thing is a part of begins and ends with microorganisms. Yeast makes beer and bread. Etc, etc.

Does Mars have brains?

Mars is not a living thing. There might be living creatures on Mars, and they might have brains, but Mars itself does not have brains. If you are asking about the Roman myths, Mars does indeed have a brain.

Where do most martian people live?

We have examined the planet Mars by means of robotic probes, and we have not found any Martians living there. It is a desolate planet.

Were there living things on mars?

yes living organisms were found on mars according to the latest technology

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As far as we have been able to discover, there are no aliens on Mars. It is a lifeless planet (although there is some possibility that there are microorganisms living in the ground).

Are there any living creatures on Mars?

Above the microbial level, probably not. Whether there are microorganisms, either living or in a suspended state, is a matter of ongoing debate. We won't have a definitive answer until we explore more of the planet, including its ice-covered polar regions.

Does mars have a rat on it?

No, there are not any living beings on the Mars.

Are there any benefits living on Mars?

no there arent

What is the importance of studying living microorganisms?

There is great importance in studying living microorganisms. These microorganisms are responsible for your health and your digestion for example.

What are the aliens on Mars?

It was recently discovered that Mars used to have microorganisms living in its polar ice caps. At the time, the ice caps used to form ancient oceans, and Mars's being a reasonable distance from the Sun provided researches with a basis for which the organisms were formed.

What else that Mars have?

mars has a lot of rocks and there are no living things on mars no even today even scientists never found any people living inside mars they only found out that mars has no air and no water

Does mars have any living resources?

Many scientist beleive that there is water on mars(living resouce of O2)and have already found bacteria on mars' atmosphere.They are still seaching for living resources that once belonged to earth.

Do mars have people living on the planet?

So far we have found no sign of any life, Let alone People, on Mars.

Does Mars have martens?

no, at least not that there is any evidence of them. so at the moment no, but there are signs of water on mars which points to chances of living organisms.

Why would astronauts be given the task of finding if there is any water on mars?

To see if there was life living on mars...All living things need water so if there was water on mars life could exist no matter how small

Is Mars a living planet?

Yes, Mars is in fact a living planet.