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Europe is not experiencing overpopulation B. Europe

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Q: Are there any parts of the world that are not experiencing overpopulation?
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Why does overpopulation give rise to health problems?

Overpopulation gives rise to health problems because people are packed together. This means that any communicable diseases will spread like wild fire.

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Yes there are i parts of the world.

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While there aren't really any parts of the world that have yet to be discovered, there are lots of parts of the world that are yet to be fully explored. The bottom of the ocean and many rain forests for example, have yet to be fully explored.

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It depends which London you are talking about. London, England, is not experiencing any earthquakes, as England cannot actually have earthquakes.

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There is no proof that demons exists in Norway or any other parts of the world.

List any 10 ways by which you can check depletion of resources due to overpopulation?

go to a history class he will surely know

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Is there any difference between overpopulation and pollution?

Yes, overpopulation refers to the condition where the number of people in a specific area exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment, leading to resource depletion, while pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances into the environment that cause harm to living organisms and disrupt ecosystems. Overpopulation can exacerbate pollution issues, as more people contribute to increased waste generation and resource consumption.