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Q: Are there different amounts of iron in different breakfast cereals?
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Why might i find metal in my cereal?

Breakfast cereals are known to be fortified with minerals and vitamins with metallic origin. For example, your cereal may have magnesium or iron in it. The cereal company intentionally puts these metallic ingredients in micro amounts to help make a more complete breakfast.

Does cereal have iron in it?

Some cereals may have iron in it but most cereals don't

What foods contain iron as a nutrient?

Liver, red meats, spinach and other green leafy vegetables and grapefruit are sources of iron. It is also added to many breakfast cereals. You can also get it from chocolate!

How can you incorporate small amounts of iron into all of your meals?

Make a meal plan that includes some of these vegetables, cereals and meats. Spinach is good, try oatmeal and other cereals. Most kinds of meat are rich in iron. A balanced diet should ensure you get enough iron.

What cereals are iron fortified?

Most cereals are iron fortified. Look at the nutritional value panel on the box. It will tell you if it is iron fortified or not.

Do all cereals contain iron?

most of them have iron in them

How were kushite and Egyptian different?

they produced large amounts of iron

How do they get iron into fortified breakfast cereals?

they purify it, break it down and put little bit in each box or bag. its good for you, but only eat it like that. if you add your own, you could die.

What are the top iron-enriched breakfast cereals?

Kelloggs All-Bran and stuff like musely and just right are full of iron, anything with milk as well because milk is a good source of iron. Too much can be bad though so just have it once a day.

How were Kushite and Egyptian cultures different?

they produced large amounts of iron

how to fulfill iron deficiency during pregnancy?

27 milligrams of iron a day. Good nutrition also can prevent iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Dietary sources of iron include lean red meat, poultry and fish. Other options include iron-fortified breakfast cereals, prune juice, dried beans and peas.

Why do they put iron your cereal?

to make you Strong and healthyTHE VITAMINIron is found in many foods such as dark green veggies and red meat. It is essential to have iron in your bloodstream to carry oxygen to your different body parts. Cereal companies add iron and other vitamins and minerals to their products because most breakfast cereals contain very little nutrients besides carbohydrates.Read more: Why%20does%20cereal%20have%20iron%20in%20itIRON MAKES YOU STRONG AND HEALTHY SO EAT YOUR VEGGIE TALES AND BE STRONG AND HEALTY