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Q: Are there more blades of grass or more leaves in the world?
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How many blades of grass is in the world?

Waaaay too many to count. Think of it this way: one acre of grassland can hold as many as over a million blades of grass. Now think of the billions of acres of grassland, lawns and pastures in the world and how many blades of grass are in those. Quite a few, right?

Do elephants ate grass?

Yes, of course they eat grass. But coconut leaves and palm tree leaves are more delicious:)))

Do Baby Goats like grass weeds or leaves more?

they like both

What are the characteristic of leaves?

The characteristics of leaves are the ones that are used for purposes of identification and classification. Leaves have blades, they are flat and thin, they are strategically arranged on plants so as to access sunlight and so much more.

Is the effect of grass or dirt surface on the distance a ball can roll?

Grass makes a ball roll slower then it would on a dirt surface. This is because the long grass blades cause more friction on the ball slowing it down.

Who wrote ''leave of grass''poem?

It is not an actual poem, rather a series of Poems by Walt Whitman in a book. He named the book Leaves of Grass. He revised the poems and added more into the novel all the way up until his death.

Yellowstone national park has more than 200 of these?

It has more than 200 of a lot of things (trees, blades of grass, squirrels); but you're probably thinking of waterfalls.

Are there more blades of grass or more fish in the ocean?

there are more fish in the ocean because there are lots and lots of microscopic fish, some not even discovered yet! most not distovered yet!

What does catapulers eat?

Catapillers eat grass and leaves from treesbefore they go into there cacoon.

What are some great lawn care tips for growing greener grass?

First you need to cut the grass higher because taller grass leaves help keep the sun off the soil, helping to preserve its water content. Also you can try sharpening the blade because it will make it easier for your mower to cut the grass and, more importantly, will avoid tearing the grass and wounding the grass blades, which makes them more susceptible to infection and evaporative loss. Wonderful tip for new lawns: Allow the grass to grow as tall you can tolerate it before the first Spring cut. This allows the roots to grow significantly deeper at the most critical time, giving you a greener, thicker, stronger, and more heat and drought resistant lawn.

What grass is the main food of more than half of the population of the world?


Why does grass have more chlorophyll than pines?

Because a pine is deciduous, which means it doesn't drop it leaves in winter.