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The Pleiades cluster contains over 1,000 statistically confirmed members, although this figure excludes unresolved binary stars.

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Q: Are there now more than 500 Stars in The Pleiades Constellation or Cluster?
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What is the name of a group of 1000 stars?

Constellation or "asterism". The difference is that "constellations" are officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union, while an "asterism" is any other pattern or grouping of stars.

Where is Taurus?

During the winter months in the Northern Hemisphere, Taurus is above and to the right of the unmistakeable constellation Orion. If you follow the 3 stars of Orion's Belt, up to the right, you will come to a reddish looking star. This is Aldebaran. It is in Taurus. It is on one side of a v-shaped pattern of stars, all of which are part of Taurus. Further up and to the right you will see a cluster of stars called the Pleiades, often called the Seven Sisters, although there are more than 7 stars in the cluster. The Pleiades is also part of Taurus.

What does the nickname seven sisters refer to?

The Seven Sisters is what is known as an open cluster of stars. It's also known as The Pleiades. (PLEE-uh-DEES).

Where is the constellation Taurus?

It is now coming into view in the winter skies, though it is late when it is visible. By November it is much better placed for viewing earlier in the night. It is always above and to the right of Orion, which is an unmistakeable constellation. Notable features of Taurus include the red star Aldebaran and the Pleiades cluster of stars, often known as the Seven Sisters, although there are a lot more than 7 stars in the cluster. Use the link below to see a map of the night skies and help you see what you can see from your location at a given time.

One of the stars in the star cluster Pleiades?

Technically this is called an "asterism", and it doesn't have to be a "mythological character", it can be any widely known and recognized pattern. For example, the Plough, the Big Dipper, and Charles' Wain are all asterisms representing a plow, a dipper, and a wagon respectively (they all also happen to be the exact same stars, which are a part of the constellation called Ursa Major, which itself is also the name of an asterism representing a bear). Other non-mythological asterisms include the Summer Triangle, the Southern Cross, the Great Square, Octans (a piece of navigational equipment), and Puppis (the back part of a ship, though admittedly the specific ship in question is from mythology; it's the one Jason - the one who was after the Golden Fleece - sailed).Laypeople (that is, people who aren't astronomers), and even some astronomers when talking to non-astronomers, use the more widely known word "constellation" when what they really mean is "asterism", but technically a constellation is specifically defined patch of sky. All the constellations (there are 88 official constellations, and between them they cover the entire sky) contain the asterism from which they take their name, but they also contain many, many other stars besides, most of which are too faint to see except through a telescope.

What is the collective noun for the group of stars which form a pattern?

The collective nouns for stars are a constellation of stars or galaxy of stars. The collective noun for planets is a quincunx of planets.

How are stars and constellation related?

A group of two or more stars together make up a constellation.

How any stars are a part of the constellation?

Each constellation has billions, trillions, or more, stars, depending how powerful the telescope is that you use to observe. Remember that a constellation is basically a direction in the sky - so the farther you look, the more stars there will be.Each constellation has billions, trillions, or more, stars, depending how powerful the telescope is that you use to observe. Remember that a constellation is basically a direction in the sky - so the farther you look, the more stars there will be.Each constellation has billions, trillions, or more, stars, depending how powerful the telescope is that you use to observe. Remember that a constellation is basically a direction in the sky - so the farther you look, the more stars there will be.Each constellation has billions, trillions, or more, stars, depending how powerful the telescope is that you use to observe. Remember that a constellation is basically a direction in the sky - so the farther you look, the more stars there will be.

How many stars are in constellation Vulpecula?

A constellation is basically a direction in the sky. The further you go (or the weaker the stars you include in your count), the more stars you will find.A constellation is basically a direction in the sky. The further you go (or the weaker the stars you include in your count), the more stars you will find.A constellation is basically a direction in the sky. The further you go (or the weaker the stars you include in your count), the more stars you will find.A constellation is basically a direction in the sky. The further you go (or the weaker the stars you include in your count), the more stars you will find.

How many stars does the constellation Scorpius?

The Scorpius constellation has at least 18 bright stars. There are many more too, of course.

How many stars does leo's constellation have?

It has 9 main stars, but many more.(:

Are the any stars in the sky that are not members of a constellation?

All of the stars that are easily visible are assigned to one constellation or another. Some of the barely-visible stars are not included, and very few of the very dim stars are assigned to any constellation.