

Are woodchucks allergic to wood

Updated: 11/16/2022
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Q: Are woodchucks allergic to wood
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Do woodchucks live in Washington state?

There is wood in Washington so if you ask your self how much wood a woodchuck, chucks if woodchucks could chuck wood then id say yes

What do you call a group of woodchucks?

Wood chippers

Woodchucks can't chuck wood. Am I correct?

You are not, sir.

Can groundhogs chuck wood?

Of course they can. you've seen the Geico commercial!

What does the man say in the woodchuck commercials?

" Hey, You woodchucks quit chucking my wood."

Why don't woodchucks chuck wood?

Woodchucks, or groundhogs as they are sometimes known. latin name marmota monax, are not equipped with the bone structure and musculature required in order to throw things.

Do wood chucks have more in common with squirrels or mice?

Woodchucks are considerably larger than both squirrels and mice. Woodchucks live in holes in the ground, mice in nests at various levels and squirrels in trees. Woodchucks, like squirrels, limit their activity in the winter.

How many wood chucks does it take to make a dam?

Woodchucks (aka Groundhogs) do not make dams. Beavers do.

How much wood would two woodchucks chuck if they both agreed they both would chuck wood?

As they had an accord, they would both chuck a cord.

How much would could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Do woodchucks eat wood?

Not wood exactly but they will eat young bark off of saplings that is relatively tender, rather then hard like bark found on older trees.