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Well your HCG level is to double about every other day, and you have had tracking done if it dropping in number than I would say yes, for you to be 4 weeks pregnant and your count be 157 the doctor would tell you if he thought it was low for that time. But with the bleeding and cramping I would call hime right away, if you go in for another blood test see if you number is going up, if it is staying the same or dropping I would say you are having a miscarriage.

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Q: Are you having a miscarriage if your HCG is 157 and you are spotting lightly with cramping and you are about 4 weeks' pregnant?
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Bleeding lightly and not on period?

Well, i know that if a girl is pregnant and she's "bleeding lightly" it's called spotting. There is nothing wrong when it happens.

Does is mean that you're about to have a miscarriage if you're bleeding while you're pregnant?

First I am sorry to hear that you are bleeding or spotting during pregnancy. I know it can be a scary thing. Whether or not it is serious really depends upon how far along you are. Spotting in the first trimester is not uncommon and is generally okay. That said, you should not take it lightly though in case any complications do present themselves. Spotting in the first and second trimester are not okay. That does not mean you are going to have a miscarriage but it certainly is not healthy and you should call your doctor and go to the ER right away. When you are spotting during pregnancy it is a good idea to wear a pad or pantie liner. This will keep you aware of just how much you are bleeding.Signs of Miscarriage:# Vaginal Bleeding # Cramping # Tissue being passed Signs of Ectopic Pregnancy:# Cramping # Sharp pains in your stomach # low hCG levels# vaginal bleeding Signs of Molar Pregnancy:# Vaginal Bleeding # clusters seen via ultrasound # no heartbeat detected via ultrasound # hCG levels unusually high

Why would you be lightly cramping after your period is over?

Of CoUrSe.

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Why am I bleeding lightly at 7 weeks pregnant but have no cramps?

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What is light spotting for two days then heavy bleeding suggest since this has never happen to you before?

Bleeding lightly for a few days then it starts to get heavy can many a few things. It depends on your health and your medical history and you could also be pregnant.

I haven't had a period in a little over three months and now I'm spotting lightly but I've had a negative pregnancy test is it possible that I'm pregnant?

Yes; you need to go to the doctor and get a proper test done ASAP (like, tomorrow). The doctor's test is the most reliable kind.

Only seen the sac in ultrasound I am 11week's?

In March I was 10 weeks pregnant and was spotting very lightly. I went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound. They told me that at 10 weeks they should be able to at least see the heart beating even though it might be too soon to see the baby. When they did the ultrasound all they saw was the sac. There was no heartbeat. I had a full miscarriage a few days later. It was determined by blood tests that I had miscarried about five weeks prior and was just now discharging the fetus. I pray that this is not the situation for you, and you have a healthy baby!

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My daughter had a baby 4 months ago and actually blead alot, went to the hospital and all was fine. Check out I believe it's called phantom twin. This is a very common thing. God bless and don't stress.

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there is no reason to be bleeding at all while pregnant so contact your doctor immediately:/

If I have been constipated fatigued lightly cramping and having brown discharge Are these early signs of pregnancy even if I am on the pill?

I have been to the docotor recently to find out if I was pregnant. He told me that I was. What made me go to the doctor was that I was having cramps, being constipated, brown discharge and slight fatigue. Best thing to do is get checked pronto ! I hope this helped.

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Its difficult to say. Red blood, light bleeding or generally speaking bleeding of any kind SHOULD be checked by your doctor. Some women do bleed lightly during pregnancy but its not normal in the medical sense of the word because pregnant women aren't supposed to bleed. See your doctor.