

Best Answer

The automobile consists of three main parts.Most important is the drive train, which includes the engine, transmission, axes, and wheels.Then there is the body, which includes the interior and the shell.The chassis is the platform upon which each of these basic parts is suspended.

Charlie Christian revolutionized the role of the guitar in jazz.His genius lay not only in his blistering, sax-inspired lead lines but also in his plugging in to an amplifier.This gave the guitar - a quiet instrument compared, say, to a Trumpet or piano - a chance to be heard over the rhythm section, making extended solos possible.

From that point on, the days of the anonymous rhythm guitarist chugging away in the background were over.

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Q: Arrange these sentences in logical order as they might appear in a paragraph First sentence Spanish conquistadors brought their language and way of life in the 1600s New Mexico is culturally?
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In the English language it is called a paragraph.

How is a Group of sentences that develop one main idea?

A group of sentences covering the same topic in an article, letter, or document is a paragraph.

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A paragraph is several sentences grouped together to explain or describe something. A photograph is a physical picture that you have taken with a camera. A postscript is a computer language for creating vector graphics.

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Unlike the rest of Latin America, which was conquered and/or settled by Spanish conquistadors, Brazil and Haiti were colonized by Portuguese and French explorers, respectively. Their culture and language reflect the beliefs and traditions brought by their former European masters.

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The topic sentence or thesis statement gives you the main idea of the paragraph. If you are not sure what the main idea is, read the paragraph again and look at each sentence. See if that is the sentence which all the other sentences support by turning it into a question and see if the other sentences answer that question.The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph. It makes a statement about a topic and the rest of the paragraph explains the topic sentence or gives examples of the topic sentence.

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Polite questions may seem unnecessary, but they actually represent a kind of social bonding that has existed for as long as language has been spoken.

What does para mean in paragraph?

not totaly a language

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How long should a paragraphs be?

As long as you need it to be. A paragraph is just a series of sentences about one topic, so as long as you have given enough information about that topic, then you have used the correct number of sentences.There is no magic formula that states "X words = 1 paragraph" or "X sentences = 1 paragraph."More from our Wiki Contributors:Just start writing as if you were telling the information to a friend or explaining it to someone who has never heard of it before. Keep writing until you have explained everything or talked about all of your points.One note: it is almost impossible to properly explain anything in less than three sentences, so all of your paragraphs will likely be over three sentences. Also, sometimes a teacher will assign a certain number of sentences for you.You cannot measure a good paragraph by how many words it has. A paragraph does not have any set number of words - use as many as you need in order to explain whatever you are explaining, then change to a new paragraph. Instead of trying to figure out how many words you have written, concentrate on whether or not you have explained your subject well enough - pretend you are teaching someone else, and they will have to take a quiz, and explain it well enough so that they can pass.There is absolutely no definitive answer to your question. Note that the question you asked is itself a paragraph. As of course is this answer. A paragraph should convey a complete idea. A paragraph can be as litte as one word. Consider what paragraph you would write if asked if your name was John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. You would simply write, "No."Don't get too hung up on paragraph construction though; paragraphs are a relatively modern addition to language and they do very little to change the meaning of the thoughts you are trying to convey.As long as it needs to be. There is no special formula for how many sentences to put into a paragraph. You begin your paragraph, you tell what you need to tell, and you end the paragraph. And you use as many sentences as you need. In general, however, it should be mentioned that you usually need more than one sentence to explain something, so paragraphs do have more than one sentence. And sometimes your teacher will assign a specific number of sentences for you to write. A paragraph usually deals with only one idea. It may help to think of the break between paragraphs as a signal from the writer to stop and be sure you understand what you just read.

What kind of evidence is used to support the idea that languages is culturally transmitted?

Linguistic evidence, such as language characteristics influenced by cultural practices, vocabulary related to culturally specific concepts, and the preservation of cultural elements in language over generations, supports the idea that language is culturally transmitted. Additionally, observed patterns of language acquisition and usage within specific cultural groups provide further evidence for the cultural transmission of language.

What are the characteristics of effective sentences?

paragraphs commas semi colons emotive language varied sentences