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Short answer: you probably can't (unless you meet special circumstances such as "working for the crown" or "they can't get any other citizenship"). They do get some benefits through you, however: it may be easier for them to get a Visa, and they may be able to apply for citizenship after living in the UK for only 3 years instead of 5 years.

Apply for a British passport for your children., choose the nearest embassy or consulate then once its information is displayed, click on the link to take you to its website. There should be a link available allowing you to make passport applications.

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Q: As a British Citizen by descent how may I obtain British Citizenship for my children without living in the UK?
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Can a British citizen pass British citizenship by descent to his or her children that are born outside the UK?

can a british by descent transmit british citizenship to hisher children born outside UK

If your grandparents are citizen can automatically be a citizen?

No, citizenship goes from descent, the parents must be citizens also.

Can a British citizen by descent transmit British citizenship to hisher children born in the UK?

a British citizen (it does not matter whether the parent is a British citizen by descent or otherwise than by descent); or settled in the United Kingdom; orsettled in a qualifying territory. Settled means you are usually resident there without being restricted, under the immigration laws, as to how long you can stay there.Children who are born in a British overseas territory will always be British overseas territories citizens, as long as a parent is a British overseas territories citizen or settled there when the child is born. If the birth occurred before 21 May 2002, the same applies. The child will not be a British citizen if: * * You may however wish to visit the British Embassy websites in your country-or consult a reputable firm of solicitors in the UK dealing in immigration.

How do you apply for British citizenship through citizenship by descent?

Call the nearest British High Commission and ask them to assist you.

Can you register your new born baby as a British citizen if you are a British citizen work abroad and your partner of another nationality who live on the same soil?

That depends on how you got your U.K. citizenship. If you were born in the UK before 1983, you got the citizenship by birth in the UK alone. In such a case you can pass your U.K. citizenship to your child (by descent). Your child is automatically a U.K. citizen. Also, if either one of your parents was a U.K. citizen at your birth and you were born after 1983, you still can pass U.K. citizenship to your children (again by descent). Again, your child is automatically a U.K. citizen. However, if you were born outside the U.K. and got your citizenship by descent (one of your parents was a U.K. citizen), it becomes a little more difficult. You still can try to register your child as a U.K. citizen, but beware that you must meet certain requirements (such as having lived continuously in the U.K. for 3 years before the child's birth). Also, this is at the descretion of the Home Office, and your baby has no official "right" to be U.K. citizen. Here in detail: Hope this helps! I'm US citizen, but born in the U.K. before 1983

If your Father is a British Citizen your birth makes you a British Citizen.?

If the birth is in the United Kingdom, then yes - automatically. If the birth is outside the United Kingdom and took place after 1 January 1983 and the father (or mother) is a British citizen other than by descent, then yes - automatically. Otherwise, you can become a British citizen by descent if your father (or mother) was a British citizen other than by descent by filling in an application form available at any British Embassy or High Commission and providing the appropriate documentation (usually the parent's British passport and a birth certificate for the child). Alternatively, if you want the child to be able to give British citizenship to their children, naturlization may be a better option but this is discretionary and usually requires 3-5 years residence in the UK. There has been discussion about changing these laws late in 2009.

What type of people are in Falkland islands?

They are mainly of British descent and have British Citizenship.

If an American couple has their baby in UK does baby get automatic dual citizenship in UK and the US?

Yes absolutely! Your child will have dual citizenship: • American citizenship by birth in the United States ["lex soli" ] • British citizenship by descent being born to a British citizen ["lex sanguinis"]

If You are a British citizen by descent will your wife become a citizen when you marry?

yes watch emmerdale bout sam and olena

Who could be a citizen in Greece and why did they limit citizenship?

Would-be citizens had to appear before their tribal assembly and prove their descent in that tribe.

How many citizenship when a child was born in the US of a Chinese father and a Filipino mother?

The child would automatically acquire U.S. citizenship due to being born in the U.S., according to the principle of jus soli. Additionally, the child may be eligible for Chinese citizenship through the father's nationality and Filipino citizenship through the mother's nationality, depending on the countries' citizenship laws regarding descent.

Can i become a barbados citizen if my mother is?

It depends on if you mother was born in Barbados.If she was & is still alive then you can apply for Barbados citizenship by descent.