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It's been awhile, but I remember the order as

1) fancy drinks (blended)

2) mixed drinks (first white then dark so gin, vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey)

3) wine

4) beer

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Q: As a cocktail waitress what is the proper way to order alcohol beverages from the bartender?
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What is the normal tipout from a waitress to a bartender?

5% of alcohol sales to bartender.

Legal age to be a cocktail waitress in Washington?

Texas alcohol laws are continuously changing. Currently, the minimum age to serve alcohol in the state of Texas is eighteen.

What is the legal age for a cocktail waitress in Oklahoma?

You must be 19 to serve alcohol in Ohio.

What are cocktail shakers used for?

A cocktail shaker is used to mix beverages, generally alcohol, liquor, etc. Needless to say, a lot of people have them and just about every bar has one.

Beth has just been hired as a cocktail waitress she must be certified as a seller-server within?

If you are hired at an establishment which serves alcohol, you must be certified by the alcohol beverage commission.

Ounces of alcohol per bar drink?

The average amount of alcohol in a shot of bar liquor is about .6 ounces. The actual amount depends on how much the bartender likes you, or your waitress, or on how the machine is calibrated.

What alcohol starts with the letter y?

Yuengling Lager beer, Yeyo tequila, Yazoo beer and Yale cocktail are alcohol drinks that begin with the letter Y. Additional alcohol drinks include the Yellow Bird cocktail, Yokohama cocktail, Yellow Hurricane cocktail and Yellow Parrot cocktail.

Is polyvinyl alcohol really alcohol?

It is an alcohol. But the only alcohol that is in beverages is ethyl alcohol.

Can the alcohol put in rubbing alcohol be put in beverages?


What kind alcohol is in beverages?

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol).

How much does it cost for a waitress to obtain a license to serve alcohol?

I have never known a waitress to need a license for alcohol, it is the business that carries the alcohol license.

What is alcoholic beverages?

a drink with alcohol in it.