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They revolted and it was called the American Revolution.

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Q: As a result of the King not answering the colonists demands what did the American colonies decide to do?
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The main underlying cause of the American Revolution was the poor treatment of the colonists by the British Parliament. Their unfair treatment included high taxation without representation, strict demands, and limited liberties.

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Technically the colonistss did'nt break their social contract. The King of England decided to impose unfair and unjust taxes and demands on the colonists which broke his end of the social contract with the colonists. therefore, the colonists decided to break off from England, eventually resulting in the Revolutionary War.

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King George III ignored the colonists' plea for a peaceful solution because he didn't want to give up control of the colonists. He also wanted the land that was available in the New World for himself.

How did the colonists try to make peace with the great Britain?

The colonists' tried to restore peace with the Olive Branch Petition but the king rejected the petition and that's when the colonists' got together for the First Continental Congress.

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