

Best Answer

There is no exact answer to this, just as there is no firm age in humans. It is recommended to spay/neuter your cat around 4-5 months. Doing this early will also help your cat from developing unwanted behavior like spraying, marking, and aggression. Your family vet will be able to tell you more about the development of your particular cat.

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Q: At what age do cats begin to reproduce?
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Like normal cats!

What age is a cat able ro reproduce?

Generally cats are sexual mature at 8 months of age. This of course will vary as each kitten is an unique individual.

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What age do male cats hit puberty?

Cats begin puberty between ages 6-9 months, but some cats have been known to start around 4 months.

Can older fixed cats go through a point were they feel they need babies?

No, a fixed cat at any age will not feel the urge to reproduce.

Why do cats mate?

They mate to reproduce and to have kittens.

Can a cat and dog reproduce?

Together- no. But yes cats can reproduce with other cats, and dogs with other dogs. But if you were asking if a dog and cat could reproduce the answer is no, they cannot.

What cat reproduces?

If you are looking to breed cats all cats reproduce. So you will have no problem doing that what so ever. Its really easy. House cats reproduce very fast and will have them doing that in no time

What is the overall purpose of a cat mate?

The purpose of cats mating is for conception in cats. Cats work the same way as with humans, they mate and reproduce kittens with each other. Cats usually reproduce more than one kitten.

Do large cats live together?

yes they do to reproduce

Can dogs and cats reproduce with each other?


How do cats reproduce?

As cats are mammals, they reproduce by live birth. Kittens are born in litters of 2 or more. The average length of gestation is 9 weeks.