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Milk is pasteurised at 63°C for 30 minutes (batch pasteurisation) or at 72°C for 15 seconds (High Temperature Short Time [HTST]). These heat treatments are equally effective.

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Q: At what temperature is milk pasteurized?
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What does it mean for milk to pasteurized?

The milk is heated to a high temperature and then cooled, to retard bacterial activity.

What is super-pasteurized milk?

Milk that has been heated to an ultra high temperature to extend it's shelf life.

Is goat's milk feta pasteurized?

Yes, all milk that you purchase from stores are pasteurized.

What is it when you pastrise something?

When something is pasteurized, it means it has been heated to a high enough temperature to kill the dangerous bacteria in it. One food product that is well-known for being pasteurized is milk.

Does ultra-pasteurized milk still have nutritional value?

Ultra-pasteurized milk called also as "dead milk" has a very low nutrient value because all harmful and beneficial bacteria is killed during the heating process.Low-temperature pasteurized milk contains more enzymes that are left intact than in ultra-pasteurized milk.These enzymes are crucial for digestion, as they assimilate nutrients into the body.Many people who have been told they are lactose-intolerant can drink low-temperature pasteurized milk without any problems. This is because it contains contains the digestive enzyme lactose (which is damaged by high heat). Without lactose to help break down the milk sugar lactose, the human body cannot assimilate the milk sugar.The pro-biotic living enzymes in milk that are necessary to culture milk into yoghurt and cheese, are rendered dead as well.

What is unpasteurised milk?

Raw milk, or, milk that has not been pasteurized.

Treatment of milk?

Safe milk is that which is Pasteurized, that is, heated to 160 degrees for 15 minutes. These days, they have found a way to Pasteurize milk at a lower temperature. The process is named for Louis Pasteur.

What happens when milk is pasteurized?

Milk can be unsafe for humans to drink as it can make them sick. Therefore, milk is pasteurized so that it is safe and healthy for human consumption.

What is in milk that is not healthy?

Milk that has been pasteurized is what is referred as the healthy milk.

After milk has been pasteurized it is not possible for germs to live in it even if the milk is left at room temperature for a long time?

That is an incorrect postulation. Pasteurized milk is not sterile. It still contains microorganisms. But if you are referring to shelf stable aseptic pack, that product has undergone Ultra High Temperature pasteurization and was packaged in a sterile environment. Packaging has improved over the years, but even that packaging doesn't keep the milk forever. See Related Links.

Which milk product is most nutrient- dense?

Pasteurized Goat Milk

Who created pasteurized milk?

Louis Pasteur.