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Q: Black bird with white belly and under wings?
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What colors are black capped chickadees?

The Black-capped Chickadee has a black cap, white belly and cheeks, and light brown underneath it's wings, and black wings

What color are Black-capped chickadee?

The Black-capped Chickadee has a black cap, white belly and cheeks, and light brown underneath it's wings, and black wings

What is a small bird in Pennsylvania with long legs and a black ring around its neck and a white belly with brown wings and black on the outside feathers its a killdeer?

I believe it is a killdeer.

What North American bird is the size of a small dove and has a black mask and black crown and white belly with faint gray bars under the wings and no other colors and could seen in Northern Minnesota?

Sounds like a female Hairy Woodpecker.

What kind of bird is mostly black with white throat black band under neck and yellow under wings Seen in February in north Texas?


Pls describe a black headed cacique?

they have a black 'mask', a black beak, black eyes with a red ring around them, yellow cheeks, peach at the back of their heads, a white belly, a green back, tail and wings, yellow or peach 'drumsticks', black feet and some have a little bit of blue of the tips of their wings

What is a kingbird?

A western kingbird is a beautiful bird! it has:a bright yellow belly and yellow under wings, it has a gray head and chest, often has white chin. The wings and tail are dark gray nearly black with white outer edges on tail. The song sounds like a squeaky chatter, sometimes compared to a western-kingbird-1squeaky toy. The call is a sharp loud whit.

What are angels with black and white wings?

an eagle

How do you know if a goldfinch is a male or female?

the male gold finch is bright yellow with black and white wings the female is brown with black and white wings

Is a boatmen bug white on his belly and brownish black on his back or is it a back swimmer it looks like he swims upside down and he uses his legs to swim with no wings so how does he get in your pool?

he swims up sidedown his back is white and has some sort of water proof cover over his wings

What insect has wings and a black head white middle red bottom?

There are several types of butterflies that have a black head and wings. Some of them also have a white abdomen and red bottom.

What helps a woodpecker fly?

It's black and white WINGS!