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There are several cities worldwide named 'Boston'. There is a 'Boston'(s) in the following countries:

Belize (1)

Canada (2)

Ireland (2)

Philippines (1)

South Africa (1)

Suriname (1)

United Kingdom (1)

United States (12)

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There are Boston's in the UK and USA....

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Q: In which country is Boston
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Is there a country Boston?

No. While there are cities named "Boston" in various countries (USA, UK, Uzbekistan, Philippines), there is no country named Boston.

What country takes the same amount of time united kingdom and Boston America?

Boston isn't a country.

Is Boston a city a state or a country?

Boston is a city in the state of Massachusetts in the country of the United States of America. USA country, Mass. state, Boston city.

Is Boston a country?

No, Boston is an important town in the United States; also Boston is a name of towns in other countries.

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Great Britain or Boston Massachusetts (Boston Tea Party)

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No Boston is a city in US, Britain another country

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the Boston terrier came from the united states of America

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Boston is located in the United States.