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Q: CDNA is copied from
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Difference between genomic library and cdna library?

A cDNA (complementary DNA) library is a DNA library that has been created from mRNAs that are present in the cell. Since a cDNA is created from mRNA transcripts, that means that in Eukaryotic organisms there will be no introns or transcriptional factors present in the cDNA library, only exons. Only protein coding regions will be present in a cDNA library. This also means that a cDNA library is often times tissue specific. Since the expression of mRNAs will be different in different tissues of the organism it will appear different then a genomic library. Often times to offset this problem a cDNA library will be composed of different tissues (brain, liver, heart) to encompass a greater variety of the proteins that are expressed. A genomic library will contain all the exons, introns, and transcriptional factors that are not found in the cDNA library. **2/24/2011** cDNA library does contain exons, which is the protein coding regions.

Why you chose mRNA rather than genomic DNA for making a DNA library?

Complementary DNA (cDNA) is a doublestranded DNA version of RNA . Messenger RNA is a more useful predictor of a polypeptide sequence than DNA, because the introns have been spliced out. Scientists use cDNA rather than mRNA itself because RNAs are less stable than DNA.

What stage during the cell cycle are organelles and chromosomes copied?

i think its telophase

A strand of mRNA has the bases guanine-adenine-uracil Which amino acid corresponds to these bases?


What is the process of going from DNA to RNA called?

Transcription.During transcription the base sequence (genetic code) of part (a gene) of one strand of DNA is copied onto a strand of RNA as the RNA is synthesized.

Related questions

What is the full form of cdna?

CDNA = Complimentary Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

What is a cDNA library used for?

A cDNA library is used for complementary DNA. These DNA are collected as host cells, which can be found in the nucleus. Currently, cDNA libraries are lacking in the enhancer, intron, and several other categories.

The function of cdna?

cDNA (complementary DNA) is produced by reverse transcription of mRNA and lacks introns found in genomic DNA. cDNA is used in molecular biology to clone genes, study gene expression, and create transgenic organisms. It is also valuable in understanding disease mechanisms, drug development, and biotechnology applications.

In genetics what does complementary DNA mean?

Complementary DNA (cDNA) is DNA that has been copied from an mRNA through a reverse transcriptase enzyme. cDNA contains a copy of the original DNA sequence that made the mRNA - but without the introns (as these are cut out to create mRNA).

What is the advantage of using cDNA library in molecular genetics?

The main advantage of cDNA library is that it contains only the coding region of a genome.

What is the purpose of the cDNA synthesis?

The purpose of cDNA synthesis is to synthesize a copy of DNA from mRNA. This means that it is involved in the duplication of DNA that occurs when a cell divides. As a result, without cDNA synthesis, life would not exist as cells would not be able to divide.

Which processes are involved in making cDNA?


What statement best compares the base sequence of an mRNA molecule with that of the cDNA made from the mRNA?

The base sequence of cDNA is complementary to the mRNA molecule from which it is synthesized. This means that the cDNA will have the same sequence as the mRNA, except that thymine in DNA is replaced with uracil in RNA.

Can clones isolated from cDNA libraries contain promoter sequences?

No, clones isolated from cDNA libraries do not contain promoter sequences because the cDNA synthesis process does not retain regulatory elements such as promoters. cDNA is made from mature mRNA and lacks the non-coding regions found in genomic DNA, including promoters. Therefore, clones isolated from cDNA libraries do not include promoter sequences.

Does a cDNA library have only exons?

Yes, a cDNA library contains only exons because it is generated from mRNA, which has had introns removed through the process of splicing. cDNA represents the expressed regions of the genome and does not contain non-coding introns found in genomic DNA.

What does c in CDna stand for?

The "c" in cDNA stands for complementary. cDNA is synthesized from mRNA using reverse transcriptase, resulting in a complementary DNA strand that lacks introns and represents the protein-coding regions of a gene.

What is the meaning of CDNA microarray?

A cDNA microarray is a hybrid of a DNA microarray, which is a collection of a number of minute DNA dots. These are mostly used in the field of genetic testing.