

Can 2 weeks hamster eat food?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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11y ago

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nope just tit milk

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Q: Can 2 weeks hamster eat food?
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How does a hamster store food?

it has 2 pouches on either side of its mouth and the hamster will store it in there and then find somewhere quiet and empty the pouches and eat the food.

How much do baby hamsters eat?

A baby hamster drinks its mothers milk for 2 weeks. After this it will eat the same portions as an adult hamster. If you put food in the bowl it will eat what it wants to and leave what it doesn't.

How much do teddy bear hamsters eat?

2 teaspoons of hamster food a day.

How many weeks is a hamster pregnant for?

2-3 weeks

What hamster food can you make yourself that has a healthly diet?

Type your answer here... If you wanna make hamster food yourself than read this.Hamster food can be made 1cup of of oats and grains 1piece of shredded lettuce 2 cut up grapes a small pack of raisins and any wheat bread. This can last 1 hamster up to 2 weeks i have 2 hamsters and 2 pet miceand it last up to a week. So if you want your hamster to have a healthly diet than make Autumns healthy hamster food.

When can you start holding hamster baby's?

You can start handling them when they are about 2-3 weeks old. Do not touch them before then or the mom might eat them

Will your mommy hamster eat her babies at 10days old?

Only if you touch them when their born. Wait at least 2-3 weeks to touch them.

When does a baby hamster start eating food?

Baby hamsters feed from their mother until they are 26 days old. It is recommended to separate the male and female hamsters afterwards to prevent fighting.

Your German Shepherd has 6 puppies 2 weeks old when can you start feeding them puppy food?

most puppies eat puppy food at 8 weeks our younger. You can try feeding them puppy food at four weeks and see if they will eat it.

How long does it take for a teddy bear hamster to have its babies?

2 weeks. When I bought my hamster it was already pregnant so we called the pet store, and they said "2 weeks"

How old are mice when they eat on their own?

my mouse took 2 weeks to eat on its own it depends

Can you hold the hamster babies after 3 weeks?

No way! You shouldn't touch your baby hamsters until they are 3 weeks old. If they are younger than that and you touch them, your scent will stick to their fur. After that, the mom hamster will get scared of the new scent on her baby and EAT THEM!! You don't want that, so don't touch them too early!!