

Can AI overcome humans

Updated: 12/21/2022
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βˆ™ 8y ago

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I don't think that Artificial Intelligence will ever overcome human intelligence, but there have definitely been many many Science Fiction scenarios invented about that, most of which are quite entertaining, and it is a plausible idea that our technology could get there with time.

The idea that they could is a tempting one; if we could build machines that think and learn, then they, with unlimited lifetimes and without the need to sleep, probably could surpass us easily. We would probably then try to enslave them, and in turn of course end up as their slaves (the way most of the science fiction plots go). Skynet, HAL, WOPR (War Games), VIKI (I, Robot), and many, many more, teach us that the machines are, indeed, out to get us.

Just for me personally, I don't think that we're going to be able to reproduce human-level intelligence / intuition / creativity because we *are* the ultimate biological machines, made by our creator, and so far we can't even make a reliable spellcheck. Of course I definitely could be wrong. If so, I, for one, will welcome our new AI overlords.

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