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Yes because they are related to starfish

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Q: Can African dwarf frogs grow their limbs back?
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Why is the hind limbs of a frog more muscular than the fore limbs?

Frogs push off their back limbs to jump, which makes them more powerful

Are African dwarf frogs kept in salt water?

African dwarf frogs do not live in saltwater. They are fully aquatic frogs however they will breathe from the surface and can often be seen swimming up to the top of the tank and then 'zoom' back to the bottom of the tank. They require a temp of 24 - 26 oc and Tank lights should be on for a maximum of 12 hours a day as they are cyclical animals and need regular periods of 'night' and 'day'.

How are the front legs different from the hind legs?

The fore limbs are at the front of the frog and the hind limbs are at the back.

Do frogs grow back legs?

No. As a tadpole a frog can regrow its tail if it is damaged. But they lose this power of regeneration of limbs as they mature into frogs. It is a myth that they can regrow legs.

Which developes first the hind legs or the front legs of a tadpole?

The forelimbs of frogs are primarily designed to support the hind limbs during sitting and walking. The back limbs are the ones designed for jumping.

Can you hold a Dwarf frog out of the water?

African Dwarf Frogs, though able to come out of water, can't live without H20. Their skin dehydrates very quickly and the frog can become serously stressed out if it's out of water. It's best to leave the frog(s) in the tank instead of trying to handle them.

Can mice brow back there limbs?

Mice cannot grow back their limbs.

Can an African dwarf frog be with guppies?

NO! Frogs poison the water with their poo and piddle. The fish can not live in that stuff. Frogs (and all Amphibians ) should be housed in a Vivarium not an Aquarium. The rules for keeping fish are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water but more is better. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week.Follow the rules and you stand a chance of keeping fish successfully. Miss out on any of them, and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems. This is not correct. African dwarf frogs emit very little waste. They are very small and can live peacefully with tetras and snails absolutely.

How do frogs regenerate?

Frogs can regenerate their tails as tadpoles, but they lose all their regenerative capacity after metamorphosis

Would a kuhli loach eat an African dwarf frog?

i dont know but recently ive been asking around as i have a community tank with 6 danios 6 rummynose tetras 3 swordtails 1 hillstream loach 4 salt and pepper corys and 2 cherry shrimps i want a african dwarf frog and a kuhli loach but i have read up on websites that frogs eat kuhli loaches because they think they are worms(theere food) does any1 know any more info on this topic?An African Dwarf Frog WILL EAT the Kuhli Loach, this is a fact; I witnessed my lone African Dwarf Frog eat my new Kuhli in 1 minute this morning, during her normal feeding hour!!.... I was waiting for her to come out of her cave to give her the bloodworms, Kuhli went in, she turned towards it and gulped him down; then retreated to the back of her cave:( Kuhli was a good three times longer than the frog, and MUCH BIGGER than her standard bloodworms...

Why are African dwarf frogs aquatic?

No. For one, you have harmful oils on your skin that would irritate and harm your frog. For another, you can very easily break their bones or kill them in your attempts to hold them. For another, they don't like being held, they're wild animals. They're much more fun to watch, anyways. Yes,you can. You just have to be very careful! I have some and it is very hard to hold them because they are most likely to jump out of your hand and start hopping away and if you don't put them back in time they will die. But, you really shouldn't hold them.

Why are some lizards able to grow back limbs?

they can and they will