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Prenatal DNA testing comes with a small but very real chance of miscarriage. Most doctors discourage prenatal testing solely for paternity, due to these risks.

In weeks 10 thru 13 Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) would be the way to obtain a DNA sample to test. Chorionic villi is tissue attached to the wall of the uterus, the doctor inserts s thin needle or tube through the cervix from the vagina guided by an ultrasound.

After 13 weeks the test is done by amniocentesis, the doctor uses ultrasound to guide a thin needle into your uterus, through your abdomen to take a small sample of amniotic fluid. Cramping, bleeding, leaking fluid and miscarriage are possible side effects.

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Q: Can DNA tests be performed in 1st trimester under certain circumstances?
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