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Roman Catholic AnswerFirst, let me extend my condolences on the death of your Nana, I am so sorry. If you are a baptised Catholic, who has made his first Holy Communion, and have gone to confession, then, of course, you may receive Holy Communion. If you are not a baptised Catholic or have not made your first Holy Communion, then you make what we call a "spiritual Communion" which is what a Catholic would do if they have not been to Confession, asking Jesus to come into your heart.
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Q: Can I receive Communion at my Nana's funeral mass if I am a baptized but not confirmed Catholic and also an ardent Christian?
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A Christian from another denomination may not be able to partake in Holy Communion at Mass, even though he/she was Baptized & Confirmed.

Do you need to be biptised to receive communion?

Yes, you need to be baptized and Catholic to receive communion. If you are not baptized and are under age 8 you can be baptized with the permission of parent. If you are not baptized and are under 18 you will need to show an understanding of the sacrament before being baptized. If you are not baptized and are an adult you will need to attend classes and then be baptized and confirmed and receive communion at an Easter Vigil Mass.

Do you have to be baptized to take communion?

Catholics do not 'take' communion, they 'receive' communion. Yes, you must be a baptized Catholic to receive communion in a Catholic Church. Also, you must have undergone instruction and received your First Holy Communion.

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Yes, you do. However, if you are baptized in another Christian religion and desire to become Catholic, you will not be baptized again as catholics recognize the one baptism. You will need to take special classes before receiving communion and confirmation.

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Yes, at least one of them has to be confirmed and catholic. The other (of opposite sex) needs to be Christian and can be entered in books as Christian witness but can stiil be called godparent


Because you were baptized in the Catholic Church, you have the fullness of Christianity. I don't understand the question, because you are Catholic, you are a Christian. You need to talk to the local priest and start RCIA classes to learn about the great and wonderful gift you have been given as a Christian. You are in my prayers, I am so happy for you.

Does one have to be confirmed before one can marry?

Only baptized if Christian or Christian /Catholic. Roman Catholic requires "Pre-Cana" classes. About 6 hrs in three weeks.

Can you take Communion in a Catholic church before being baptized?

You may never "take" Holy Communion in a Catholic Church. You MAYonlyreceive Holy Communion after you have been baptized, and in the Latin Rite, made your First Confession.

Can you drink the bread and wine if not confirmed or baptized?

You can eat and drink once you had your 1st communion ceremony and you must be baptized as well.

Can a confirmed and baptized Anglican receive Holy Communion in a Catholic Church?

A n Anglican baptised in the traditional fashion and manner is already a Catholic. Every one if baptised with water in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost becomes a member of Christ and a son of God.If however, Catholic is a short cut for Roman Catholic, it is probable that the Roman Authorities will demand a,' conditional baptism', just in case!Roman Catholic AnswerAny Christian baptized "in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Ghost), using water, with the intention to do what the Church does (when baptizing, in other words "with the intention to baptize the person") is considered validly baptized. Anyone can administer this sacrament in an emergency - even a non-baptized person. Thus, Anglican baptism is exactly the same baptism anyone else would receive, and such a person can be confirmed in the Catholic Church after completing RCIA classes and making a profession of faith.

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Any baptized Catholic who has received his/her First Holy Communion can receive communion under both species.

Is Sarah a Catholic?

No. She was baptized Catholic, but is a non-denominational Christian.