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If you believe in Islam, the rule isn't that ALL Muslim women go to heaven, regardless of whether they have committed any crimes or not.

Equally, Muslim women are not barred from Heaven (how stupid would that be??).

So yeah they can. Just like men. Strangely. -_-

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This depends on the perspective of the Answerer.

  • Atheists would say that Muslims cannot go to Hell since there is no Hell.
  • Jews would say that Muslims have a stake in the World to Come (the Jewish "Good Place") provided they follow the Seven Noahide Laws (which almost all Muslims follow). However, Muslims who do not follow the Noahide Laws will suffer torment as any other non-Jewish people who do not follow Noahide will suffer.
  • Christians would say that all Muslims go to Hell because they deny Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
  • Muslims would say that Muslims who are true believers (as opposed to Hypocrites or Munafiqin) will go to Heaven. Those who do not truly believe will go to Hell.
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Q: Can Muslims go to hell
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i am a Muslim and all who are christian that kiss in lips or do bed fun will go to hell i sware ur question is sooooooooooooooo stupid!!!! reallyreally really?My Answer: Who said Muslims are going to go to hell. Are you God to know who's going to hell and who's not? Do you know if you're going to hell?

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U can

Do you have to go to heaven or hell?

Only if they exist. Christians and Muslims believe that both heaven and hell exist, but belief is not proof.

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One viewNeither. Hell does not exist - the notion was created by man to help keep the faithful in line.

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This depends on the perspective of the Answerer.Atheists would say that Muslims do not go to Hell since there is no Hell.Non-Muslims typically argue that members of their own faiths will have a good afterlife, or at least have a strong chance of having a good afterlife. However, they may believe that Non-Muslims of different faiths will all go to Hell.Muslims would say that all Non-Muslims go to Hell if they actively reject Islam.

Why do Muslims worship?

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What do Muslims believe happens when one chooses to live an evil life and doesn't repent?

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No one can predict about any one whether he will go to hell or heaven. Only Almghty God (Allah) knows. No one knows who will be who in the end.

Do muslims believe in heavan?

YES Muslims believe in heaven and in Hell.

What do Muslims call heaven and hell?

Muslims call heaven Jannah and hell Jahannam.

Why do Muslims believe in hell?

Muslims believe in heavens & in hell. The two are mentioned alot in the Holy Quran & in the Sunnah. The Almighty God will reward people by heavens & punish others by hell.