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Q: Can NC garnish my wages for a repo on a car?
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Can they garnish your wages for a repo in nc?

No you can only garnish wages for Taxes, student Loans, Child and spouse support, and payment of ambulance services in some cases. or If the federal or state courts make the employer garnish wage. Bank loans for Vehicle, house, or credit cards are usually not permisable for garnishing wages in NC. Hope this helps.

What states allow creditors to garnish wages?

All states EXCEPT: NC, SC, TX and PA.

Can a creditor in NC refuse to accept monthly payments and threaten to garnish wages at 30 percent of gross?

They can refuse any payment offer that is different than the amount specified in the contract. And don't think of the statement that they will garnish 30% of your wages as a threat. It's a warning, but they will need to sue you and get a court order to do it.

When a collection agency buys your charge-off can they take you to court and garnish your wages?

Yes. They can sue you and if they win a judgment your wages can be garnished as long as you are in a state that allows wage garnishment. If you are in TX, PA, NC, or SC, wages cannot be garnished for this type of debt.

If your car is repossessed in the state of NC can your wages be garnished?

No not in the state of NC - only for child support and taxes. Wanda Improve Credit, LLC

If your stepdaughter has defaulted on her car loan which is in your name solely and she is in TX and you are in NC and the car is financed in MS how can you easily repo her car from so far away?

You buck up and make the payments to aviod a repo on your credit. You can probably look into a repo company where she is living, and hire them to get your car back. Another is take matters into your own hand and just go and get the vehicle yourself.

If your insurance is up to date what is the soonest the car can be repo in the state of nc?

Insurance has nothing to do with it. Read the contract you signed when you took out the loan.

Can you get garnished for a repo vehicle in NC?

i dont think that i can

Can your wages be garnished in the state of North Carolina for a default car loan?

No, wage garnishment in NC is only for taxes, child support

What is the North Carolina laws on garnishment of wages?

North Carolina permits wages to be garnished in very limited circumstances. Wage garnishments are allowed for unpaid income taxes, court ordered child support, child support arrears, and defaulted student loans. Other creditors cannot garnish wages in North Carolina.

What are server wages in nc?

I'm a server in nc... i make 2.43 an hour ridiculous

Can a collection agency have the court garnish your wages in NC for debt owed to a banking institiution?

Yes, provided there is an outstanding judgment against you. Without the judgment, neither the agency nor the original creditor has any recourse for garnishment, and will not be able to obtain an order for garnishment.