

Can Siamese fighting fish grow new tails?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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That depends on how extensive the damage to the tail is. So I'd evaluate the situation first. Do you have your betta in a tank with other fish? If so, he needs his own home. Bettas are loners.

But the short answer to your question is yes. As long as the damage does not extend all the way to the fin base, it should grow back in a couple of months. It may not grow back with any color at first, but it should reappear eventually.

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they only grow to the size of their tanks, so if you only have a small tank they will stay small. you need water treatments (one to equalise the bad stuff and one to add fish friendly stuff) and they will nip other fish and fan tails get nipped at my normal ones. they think the tails are food :) fish look after themselves, just change the water