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yes and it might take awhile but it will grow back

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Q: Will a Siamese fighter fish grow its tail back?
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Related questions

How big dose a fish grow?

A Betta Fish or Siamese Fighting Fish are only a few inches. The females grow to about 2.5" and males grow to 3".

What should you do when adding new fish to a tank with Siamese Fighters?

When adding fish to your fighter tank, make sure you don't purchase little 'nippy' fish. These fish will most likely start to nip at your fighters fins. They will grow back but not as nice as they were before. Some breeds not to mix with a fighter are, barbs, guppies, tetras and breeds like that. You can possibly get away with having those fish without problems if your willing to purchase a school of tetras (for example) So that they will keep themselves busy swimming around together. But generally they shouldn't really be mixed. And also when you've purchased your fish for your fighter tank make sure you let the bag float on top for at least 20 minutes so the fish can acclimatize to the water.

Can Siamese fighting fish grow new tails?

That depends on how extensive the damage to the tail is. So I'd evaluate the situation first. Do you have your betta in a tank with other fish? If so, he needs his own home. Bettas are loners. But the short answer to your question is yes. As long as the damage does not extend all the way to the fin base, it should grow back in a couple of months. It may not grow back with any color at first, but it should reappear eventually.

Can a fish fin grow back?


Do all fish grow there fin back after being eaten off?

probably when they grow

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Siamese Fighters how to recognize the male from female?

When they are tiny they are impossible to sex but as they grow older the males can be easilly recognised because they develop more colour and larger fins than the females. They eventually grow into larger fish too.

Will your black angel fan tail fish grow her scale back?

Yes, of course! When they lose their scales, they always grow back!

Why do star fish grow back a leg when other animals or insects don't have the ability to do so?

They have special enzymes that grow it back

How long does it take for algae to grow in an fish aquarium?

Algae can grow back in as soon as 5 hrs.

Will koi fish tail fin re-grow itself or regenerate?

Depending on the damage, a fin can grow back provided the fish is cared for properly and the water is clean

If a Betta's tail is torn by another fish will it grow back?

Yes, but slowely.