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Yes there have been lots of documented cases where women would deny or choose to be ignorant (knowing something is wrong but choosing not to find out) of a situation where the children are being abused.

In the last case i read about this type of behavior, the mother got herself a night job while the father and grand-father abused the daughter. She knew about the abuse but decided to ignore it.

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Q: Can Women stay in an abusive relationship and not know or deny their kids are being abused?
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Men that are abused by women get help where?

call 911 if you are being abused or are abusive and can't stop either call 911 or a counsellor to help you.

Who are the victims of an abusive relationship?

The person being abused and any children who are there to witness it are victims.

Why do women run away from abused of homes?

Women run away from abusive homes because they are being hurt either physically or mentally and they do not deserve to be treated that way.

Why is it so hard to get out of an abusive relationship?

Women should get out of an abusive relationship because it may escalate from emotional abuse to physical or sexual abuse, sometimes even murder. No one deserves to be abused and to stay in an abusive relationship is not worth it. If you are being abused, please leave and find help, especially if you have children, you need to protect them too.

Do women hit their boyfriend when they are being verbally abused?

Some do, some don't. The smart ones hopefully walk away from the relationship when they recognize they are being abused and that they don't deserve it.

What are the chances of an abused and abusive woman who was recently divorced trying to get back with her non-abusive ex-boyfriend?

It's in the best interest of everyone, most especially the abused woman who has abusive tendencies, to seek counseling for herself. She should also stay out of relationships until she has adressed why she is abusive to others. Getting involved too soon would be a rebound relationship. Even if her ex was willing to take her back (and he might not be), it's unhealthy to jump from one relationship to another in hopes of being saved from a bad situation, or believing all personal problems will end if they get with someone who once had feelings for them. The abused/abusive person must heal themselves first before they enter a new relationship.

What are the possible reasons a woman would seek out a relationship where she is being controlled and why would she view that as love?

Usually women do this because it is all they know. Many women will pick partners that are abusive because they've had abusive fathers, etc.

Can there be true love in an abusive relationship?

No. absolutely not. If you are being abused the person who is abusing you does not truly love you. the Abuser makes you feel responsible for his/her actions. therefore making you believe you are in love with that person.

What are the causes of women being abused?


Are you being emotioinally abused if he doesn't like any of your friends and you live near his family and rarely see yours because he disapproves of them and he doesn't trust your values?

No! Just because your relationship is not a good one does not make it "abusive" it just means it is not working. It seems that the rules are being made by only one person in the relationship and if you don't like that then either claim your right to equality or change the relationship. Don't be a victim or fall on the crutch of being abused.

How come children with abusive fathers often side with them when the mother leaves?

Fear of being abused more?

How do you cut ties with your abusive family?

Leave, it will be hard. But what could be harder than being abused and staying.