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No. absolutely not. If you are being abused the person who is abusing you does not truly love you. the Abuser makes you feel responsible for his/her actions. therefore making you believe you are in love with that person.

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Q: Can there be true love in an abusive relationship?
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if you are in a abusive relationship just don't stay with them say that you don't feel the spark in the love and that you want to move on.

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i guess it's an abusive relationship.

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a true love relationship is someone who you can be with and tell him or her anything. A true loving relationship is also someone who can take care of you, and love you however you are!

If your in an abusive relationship and you think you love the person do you actually or are you just addicted to the relationship?

Look up Traumatic Bonding and Stockholm Syndrome. And get out of that relationship.

What does it mean when someone calls you names then says i love you?

It means you are in an abusive relationship and you should get out now.

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While I give to you, and you give to me True love, true love.. So on, and on, it will always be True love, true love For you and I have a guardian angel On high, with nothing to do. Love forever, true.

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Real true love:)

How do I fall in love again after ending an abusive relationship with a man.?

need to give it time. don't fall in love with just any one

What is true relationship?

A true relationship is when you care about the other person, if your married then u will no 4 sure. If you love and cherish the other person then you are in a true relationship, but if you hate the other person all the time then you're not a true relationship.

When do you leave an abusive relationship when their are kids involved?

The first time, should be the last time.Kids should really be put first in this situation because the trauma of an abusive environment can affect them as they grow older in so many ways.Also if this question is being asked on behalf of yourself, you deserve better, I'm sure because nobody deserves to be abused, especially in a relationship, it should be about love, happyness, trust etc and I know that in an abusive relationship there is more sadness than there is happiness. I'm sure you will have the love and support of your children if you were to leave and they will be the ones who bring you true happiness as they flourish in life.

Is abusive relationship is good or bad?

Abusive relationship is not good. It affects nearly all aspects of life.

Is it possible to turn an abusive relationship around?

Sometimes you are able to. It all depends on the relationship. I know you and your partner are deeply in love and you probably can not see yourself with out him or her. You need to sit down with your partner and decide if you both want to put in the effort, and counseling to fix your relationship. If it does not work, then no you can not fix an abusive relationship because it just is not meant to be. When you think about it, you should not try to isolate, control, or limit the one you love because that is not true love. If you have the thoughts of leaving your partner, then you should because if you were truly happy then you would not be having these thoughts. Moving on is a very hard thing, but with great friends to keep your mind off of him/her, it is possible. I experience this myself.