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uhhhmm yeah they can well if its a 2 stroke that'll be pretty big but if like its a 4 stroke 250f it will still be pretty big okay

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Q: Can a 14 year old ride a yz250?
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Yes, a 14-year-old can ride in a car with an 18-year-old. However, it's important to ensure that the driver has a valid driver's license and that the laws in your specific location allow for this arrangement.

Is a yz250f or a yz250 a better bike for a 14-year old that's 5'10?

go with the four stroke less mantainice = cheper in the long run

What vehicles can a 14 year old drive?

a 14 year old can ride an electric bike and at 16 they can drive a moped ( a slow motorbike)

Can a 14 old ride his motorcycle in a suburban neighborhood in Georgia?

No, since a 14 yr old has no driver's license.

Can a 14 year old ride a motor scooter in California?

yes its possible for a 14 to ride a motor scooter. minor may not ride on side walks or walk ways.

What size cc motorcycle can a 14 year old ride in tn?

About 125cc

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Iggy is around 14 years old in the "Maximum Ride" series.

Can a 14 year old ride a 125cc sportbike?

Yes in the United States, like Tennessee, but not in the UK.

What type of motorcycle can a 14 year old ride?

A quad. well if you're brave enough, any smaller 2 wheel dirt bike. i mean 14 is old enough to ride a lot of different motor bikes

How old do you have to be to drive a pocket bike?

13 to 14 years old

Can a 13 almost 14 year old that waeighs 112lbs ride a 2003 Yamaha yz250f?

It all depends on the rider. The 2003 Yamaha YZ250 has a seat height of 38.9 inches and weighs 213.8 lbs. If you're tall enough that your feet can touch the ground while sitting on the bike and you're strong enough to hold it up, you are probably physically able to ride one. The best way to find out is to go to the nearest Yamaha dealership and ask to sit on a YZ250. The model year won't matter too much, they'll be pretty similar. Remember that you'll have on a bunch of safety gear when you're riding it, too.