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No, the legal age of majority in most states is 18, in Albama and Nebraska it is 19, in Mississippi and Pennsylvania it is 21. Until a minor reaches the state's legal age requirement, said minor's parent(s) have custody over him or her. Such custody includes the ability to decide where and with whom the minor can reside unless there is a court order stating otherwise.

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Q: Can a 16-year-old move in with his girlfriend if her mom says yes but his says no?
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If you are 16 and your dad says its ok for you to move out but your mom says no can you still move out?

no you can not

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You can move out with parental permission. That does not relieve your parents of the responsibility for your welfare.

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you cant you are not an adult yet... run away

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yes i believe so

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It depends on how old your boy-friend is and your state laws regarding that.

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Yeah. I'm not sure why, but my mom always says it super bad for you. Hope it helped!

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when your mo goes to a tea store or just go to a reglur store say "Mom can you buy me green tea please." and if she says why just say, "Because (say why you want it) then if she says yes just say, "Thank you mom your the best mom ever." If she no just move on and say ok mom.

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yeah she can move out without her moms permission once somebody turns 18 they're considered an adult.

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Dont worry. its just one of those little things that she said and you totally took it the wrong way.

What if a guy says your pretty but he won't go out with you?

Maybe his mom won't let him or he already has a girlfriend. If you like him don't get upset. You should ask him why he doesn't ask you out.