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I live in Missiouri, so I don't know about Pennsylvania, but one of my brothers moved out when he was 16, and he's in jail now. So I would just suggest, to that person living with there parents until that person has a stable job. Unless of course there are serious family issues. If that's the case the person should seek counseling or talk to an teacher or someone they fell close to.

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Q: Can a 16 year old almost 17 in Pennsylvania move out of her parents house without permission if she is living with an adult and has a stable job?
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Not without the permission of their parents. Until they reach the age of majority, which is 18 in New York, their parents determine where they live.

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You can be 6 months away from being 18 without a parents consent otherwise you have to be 18 which means you can move out if your almost 18 unless you have permission at 17

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In most places, a 17-year-old is still considered a minor and may not be able to leave home without parental permission. If they do leave without permission, they could potentially face legal consequences or be reported as a runaway. It's advisable for them to discuss their plans with their parents or seek guidance from a trusted adult before making any decisions.

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Not without the permission of your parents. Being 16 does not mean you're an "almost an adult" and thus deserve adult rights. A sign of maturity is addressing the problems you are faing at home and handling them

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If the patient gives permission, then no. If they're doing it without the patient's permission, then yes, it almost certainly is.

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Call around to the shops in your area. But if you are under the age of 17, be ready for almost all shops to tell you to get lost.

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No, the age at which a person is no longer considered a minor under Pennsylvania law is 18!!. A minor leaving home against the wishes of the parents or guardian can be picked up by authorities and remanded into the custody of PA. Children and Youth Services. Pennsylvania is a state whose laws pertaining to minors are confusing to say the least. Each county establishes codes that relate to what a minor may or may not legally do, including the option of petitioning the court for emancipation rights. However, state law determines the age of majority, a classic example of convoluted logic in action.

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If the minor's parents do not agree to the situation they can file a complaint with the authorities. Any adult who allows a minor to reside in their home without having received permission from the minor's parents or legal guardian can be subject to civil action and possible criminal charges.

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No a 15 year old cannot get married in California, you must be 18 without permission. And if you have permission, you can get married at 17.

If almost 18 yr old moves out on her own are parents liable?

Almost 18, yes. The child can not move out without your consent and you are responsible for them and what they do until they are 18.