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If the employee was responsible for the loss (this includes equipment under their care which went missing, unless otherwise shown to be another person's fault) then yes, it is entirely reasonable for them to withhold some pay to replace the equipment.

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Q: Can a Florida employer withhold an employee's pay for lost equipment?
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Yes, they can withhold COBRA coverage if the employee is being fired for gross misconduct. They cannot prevent the insurer from offering conversion insurance, however. That is between the insurer and the former employee, not the employer.

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Yes, if they have a court order to garnish wages, usually for debt or child support.Also, some deductions are mandated by law, such as Social security and FICA.

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Certainly ... there is NO law that states she must have sex with her husband. Think!!

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Yes. They can get it from an employer, if the employer voluntarily offers domestic partner benefits.

In Florida can an employer refuse to pay wages due if the employee no longer works for him?

No, an employer cannot refuse to pay wages that are due to an employee. Florida law requires employers to pay employees for all hours worked, regardless of whether the employee still works for them or not. If an employer fails to pay wages owed, the employee can file a complaint with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity or pursue a legal claim for unpaid wages.

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What is the average mileage reimbursement rate in Florida in 2011?

44.5 cents a mile for State of Florida employees.

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Disney has cast members (employees) work in all the parks from all over the world, including Cali locals working in Florida.

Are Florida employers obligated to pay vacation pay on a fired employee?

No, an employer in Florida does not have to pay accrued vacation time when you quit. That is if it in the company policy, it is not mandatory.