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Roman Catholic AnswerA Greek Orthodox may receive the sacraments in a Catholic Church in two situations: 1) the normal one would be after having received instruction from a priest and making a profession of faith in the Catholic Church (i.e. converting), 2) the second would be in danger of death IF they were unable to contact their own priest and were in immediate danger of dying a Catholic priest could hear their confession and offer absolution and the Last Sacraments.
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Q: Can a baptized Greek Orthodox receive penance at a Catholic Church?
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I was baptized a Roman Catholic but confirmed Orthodox and I married a Greek Orthodox can I have my nephew baptized in a Catholic Church?

Since you are confirmed Orthodox and married a Greek Orthodox, the Orthodox Church requires that any children you may have should be baptized Orthodox. Also, as an Orthodox, you are not allowed to baptize your nephew or any other person in a catholic church. From the Catholic point of view, unless your nephew is to be reared a Catholic, he may not be baptized in the Catholic Church. If he is to be reared Catholic, either by his parents or godparents, the Church will receive him. No you are GREEK orthodox u must not I reapeat not baptisma your child at a catholic church.

Do you have to be baptized to take communion?

Catholics do not 'take' communion, they 'receive' communion. Yes, you must be a baptized Catholic to receive communion in a Catholic Church. Also, you must have undergone instruction and received your First Holy Communion.

Are you a Catholic if you are Christened?

Catholics are Christians. Any one who wants to convert to Catholicism would go through a program called R.C.I.A. short for 'Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults'. This is usually for adults but children coming into the faith would go through this process even if they're under 15. All catholics receive 7 sacraments throughout their lives, from birth to death. R.C.I.A. is a two year program that leads the person into a much deeper understanding of the faith and they receive Baptism, Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. A person growing up Catholic would receive these as they grow, until they get to the age of 15, when they receive Confirmation.

Can a Catholic receive Holy Unction in an Orthodox church?

A Roman Catholic will never receive communion in other churches.

Can a Church of England person receive communion in a Catholic Church?

No, a Catholic should not receive communion in anything but a Catholic Church.

Adults in the RCIA program usually celebrate the sacraments of?

Adults IN the RCIA program are limited. If they are not baptized yet, they will be just prior to being Confirmed as part of the RCIA process. Otherwise, the Sacraments, such as the Eucharist, are done after completing RCIA.Roman Catholic AnswerAdults in the RCIA program, if they are already baptized before starting the program, only receive the Sacrament of Penance(Confession) during the program. At the end of it they receive baptism, if they are not already baptized, confirmed, if they had not been confirmed in the Catholic Church previously, and then given Holy Communion.

Do you need to be biptised to receive communion?

Yes, you need to be baptized and Catholic to receive communion. If you are not baptized and are under age 8 you can be baptized with the permission of parent. If you are not baptized and are under 18 you will need to show an understanding of the sacrament before being baptized. If you are not baptized and are an adult you will need to attend classes and then be baptized and confirmed and receive communion at an Easter Vigil Mass.

Do you need to be a catholic in order to be confirmed?

The answer to this is YES. You need to be baptized in the catholic church then only you are entitled to receive the sacrament of confirmation.

How do you join an orthodox church?

By first discussing the matter with an Eastern Orthodox priest or bishop. Then you may need to receive instructions in the beliefs of the Orthodox Church, and later you may need to be Baptized/Chrismated into the Faith.

If a Catholic happens to attend a Greek Orthodox Mass does he or she receive the Eucharist or just wait?

Catholics and others are welcome to attend an Orthodox service, but they are not permitted to receive the Eucharist, as this is reserved for members of the Orthodox Faith alone.

Why can't unbaptized Catholics receive communion?

Until they are baptized, they are not Catholics. Only Catholics may receive communion in the Catholic Church.

Do you have to be baptized catholic to make 1st communion?

Yes, you do. However, if you are baptized in another Christian religion and desire to become Catholic, you will not be baptized again as catholics recognize the one baptism. You will need to take special classes before receiving communion and confirmation.