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my cats stomache is big how can i tell if it is worms or kittens i have no clue what to due

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Q: Can a cat have premature kittens due to worms?
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Why is your cat killing her kittens?

cats can kill their kittens due to stress that can over ride their motherly instinct. Either the babies are deformed or there is environmental stress due to lack of food and water

Why cats don't look after their kittens?

Cat's do look after their kittens. They are very good mothers. If a mother cat is not looking after her kittens, it could be due to her being very sick, or due to a lack of food, to the extent that she does not feel they can survive. If she is not nursing them, there could be something wrong preventing her from producing milk. In a case like this, you must seek help from a vet right away or the kittens might die.

Your female cat is pregnant to a stud cat that had to be put down today due to a sudden deterioration in his health the vet has confirmed he had cancer will the kittens be normal?

Yes, the kittens should be normal. However, if the cancer was genetic in nature, it is always possible that later in the life, the kittens will be afflicted with it.

What month are cats most likely to have kittens?

Well, anytime, if your cat is pregnant I would recommend seeing a vet to ask when they're due. I've heard of a mother cat giving birth in the middle of winter, in the snow! The kittens survived but BRRRRRRRRRRRR it must have been cold!

Mother cat and the kittens have diarrhea?

At one time or another every cat has a bout of vomiting or diarrhea. Usually they have eaten something disagreeable, eaten too much or too fast, are overly excited or nervous, have hairballs, or their body is reacting to any of a number of other non-serious conditions. however if both mother cat and kittens have had it for more than a day especially if they are also not eating very well, in many cases kittens have passed on due to lack of hydration or had to be ''put down'' by the vet as there is nothing they can do. if your cat/kittens does have vomiting and diarrhoea happen then you should immediately take the mother cat and the kittens to do vet, they will give the kittens antibiotics for 3 days to keep their temperature normal and also give wormers for the mother cat and whatever you do, do not this the problem is temporary and will cure itself. A Adult cat has the immune system to survive fevers and high temperatures but kittens do not especially if they are under 10 weeks old

How do you relieve the problem if my cat is uncomfortable due to swollen teats?

If the cat is breastfeeding, you need to make sure that the kittens are feeding often in order to relieve the pressure. If not, you may need to take the cat to the vet to make sure there is nothing wrong with the cat.

Why is a cat's belly still fat after it gives birth?

After a cat gives birth the mother will experience some of the same body changes as a person would. A belly on a mother cat may still be fat until she loses the extra stored weight needed to protect the kittens while in her body, and for making milk for the kittens after their birth. Another reason a mother cat may have an appearance of a fat belly could be due to swelling.

What to due when a male cat bites a kitten behind the head?

it is normal for a female to bite the back of the kittens neck when they want to move them to a place that they think is safe, but a male? if the male is the kittens father then he may be trying to be like the mother but normally the father doesn't want anything to do with the kittens and if he isn't related to the kittens, then he doesn't like them and is trying to hurt them or even kill them, in some cases.

What would a vet recommend if your cat had kittens keep them or sell them?

This really depends on the vet. Sadly, most vets are not very knowledgeable in cat breeding, but a good vet would recommend that the cat be spayed for the health of the cat and to help the current overpopulation of cats in the world. If you have the space, money and time to keep all the kittens for 20 years or so, then do so. If you cannot, then selling the kittens at 12 weeks old to good owners (a reputable breeder will ask many questions about the prospective owner's lifestyle and possible knowledge on cats) may be a good idea. However, due to the sheer amount of cats in rescue, it may be many months before your kittens will be adopted. Be ready to be able to look after these kittens for many many months if need be.

What is the best age for your cat to have its first litter?

Responsible breeders usually wait until their cats are 2 years old before letting her have her first litter. This insures the cat is fully mentally and physically mature and is an excellent standard of the breed. However, due to the current overpopulation of cats, it is ideal to spay your cat. There are too many cats and kittens in shelters needing homes, and guaranteeing more kittens to forever homes is difficult. Even responsible and experienced breeders are willing to keep any kittens if they are not sold.

Why is premature burial forbidden?

Premature Burial was banned due to an infinite loop combo with Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.

Is premature burial forbidden?

Premature Burial was banned due to an infinite loop combo with Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.