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Q: Can a cold leave a funny smell in your nose?
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Is it bad for sperm to be in your nose?

NO, But it will smell Funny

What happened to your sense of smell when you have a cold?

Because your nose is clogged, so particles used by the nose to detect smell are no receiving the particles because mucus is blocking the way.

Why can't i smell or taste now that you have cold?

You can't smell because the blood vessels in your nose are all swelled up.

Which is more useful smell or taste?

Probably smell, since taste can be fooled by smell. Think about it... have you had a cold, and eaten something, and couldn't taste it, because your nose was stuffed up?

What color is a bees nose?

Bees do not have noses; they smell with their feet and antennae. Sorry to leave ya disappointed :/

Why are you unable to taste food when you are having a cold?

A large part of what is perceived as the taste of foods is really due to the sense of smell. Often a cold plugs up the nose, so you lose your sense of smell and thus that part of the taste of foods.

Why is your nose an important sense organ?

Nose is used to smell like in primate. It participate in eating food. You find food tasteless when you have common cold. Many types of smell give you positive or negative feed back.

What is the effect of smell in tasting pure substances?

What is being tasted is irrelevant. How is your sense of taste when you have a cold, or if you hold your nose? The great majoroty of what we perceive as taste is really smell.

Why does food taste insipid when you have severe cold?

because a stuffy nose decreases your ability to smell

Why is food less palatable when you have a cold?

When you are sick with something like the flu, it can make it difficult to smell things. Swollen sinuses or a blocked nose can be the cause of this for you. When you taste something, more than half of the flavor comes from the smell of it. For example, eating a potato, apple, and onion with your nose pinched, will all taste the same. Another (less likely) reason could be that you have a layer of mucus built up on your tongue with the cold, use your toothbrush to brush off your tongue when you brush your teeth to see if that will help.

Why will this smell not go away after taking cocaine?

i have got this funny smell in my nose took a tiny bit of cocaine on Sunday night but i have also just bought a van that smells of diesel or fumes all the time

If your nose is blocked with a heavy cold what happens to your taste?

70-80 % of taste (depending on the person) comes from smell, so when you have a blocked nose your taste is automatically less sensitive.