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If you go to the registration office with the primary and have them give consent to the cosigner

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Q: Can a cosigner have a primary title holder taken off the title?
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If the cosigner on a car loan gets the loan refinanced in her name can she then sell the car or does the primary have to sign the title over?

Any title holder must relinquish ownership by signing the title release

Does a cosigner have rights to a vehicle?

No, a cosigner only has the legal obligation to pay the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement.The exception to this would be if the cosigner is a joint title holder of the vehicle.COSINGER!Does a consignor have rights to the vehicle if the people who is buying the car never missed a payment?

How can one remove a cosigner from an equity loan if the cosigner is not on the first mortgage title?

The title has nothing to do with the loan. The loan will need to be refinanced using a different cosigner or only the primary borrowers.

Can a cosigner take away your car even though payments are not delinquent?

No. Unless the cosigner is also a title holder they have no legal rights to the vehicle.

Can a cosigner in California take possession of a vehicle if the primary borrower is not making the payments in Georgia?

Only if the cosigner is also named on the vehicle title.

Can a cosigner who is a spouse refinance without the primary spouse?

Not if you are both on Title unless they forge your name.

Can the cosigner demand that the car remain in the same state where he or she resides?

No, a cosigner does not have any legal rights to the vehicle, but does have the legal obligation to repay the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the contract. An exception could be if the cosigner is also named on the title to the vehicle, and if so, how the title is worded.

Can a cosigner who is on the title of a leased car be sued for not paying any payments on the car when the primary leasee is paying off the loan?

First of all it would not be possible to be on the title of a leased vehicle, as the leasor retains ownership rights. A cosigner is only responsible for the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement.

Does a cosigner have the right to take possession of the car when the primary borrower has made all the payments and has not defaulted on the loan?

No, a cosigner has no legal rights to a vehicle unless his or her name appears on the vehicle title.

Can a cosigner sue the primary for the full amount of loan when the cosigner pays it off?

A cosigner can only sue if the primary borrower signed an agreement for the cosigner to pay the debt and then be reimbursed. The consignor can not sue if they, at their own liberty, decided to just pay the debt.

Can a cosigner take possession of a car if the primary signer is not paying the payments?

Yes. I believe the loaner will contact you with a past due amount, or send you a bill. If this hasn't happened yet, contact the loaner and tell them you want possesion if the car is not being paid for by the buyer. * No. A cosigner has no legal right to a vehicle unless his or her name appears on the title. The cosigner will have to make the payments to keep the vehicle from being reposssesed or have the vehicle refinanced in his or her name with the primary borrower being released from the current agreement, this can only be done if the lender agrees.

If primary owner and cosigner have both their names on the title and primary doesn't pay the payments can you repossess the vehicle The title says or on it.?

If there are two individuals listed on the title of a vehicle as primary and joint, they are both responsible for the payment of the loan. If the primary defaults on the payment, the joint owner is responsible for payment. If both parties default, the vehicle can be repossessed.