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yes, dragonfish can live with any other docile, non-aggressive fish.

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Goldfish are best with goldfish with a few exceptions. Dragon fish are saltwater while goldfish are freshwater, thus their needs are vastly different

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Q: Can a dragonfish live with fancy goldfish?
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What other fish can a dragonfish live with?

My friend had hers in a mixed tank of platties and goldfish and such. They are lazy doccile fish mostly.

Tankmates for fancy goldfish?

The best and only good tank mate for fancy goldfish, are other fancy goldfish.

Are fancy goldfish girls?

Fancy goldfish can be male or female.

How long can a fancy goldfish live for?

A LONG time. +25 years

How old do fancy goldfish live for?

Given good conditions I have known them live for 20 years.

How old do most goldfish live to be?

It depends. A feeder goldfish lives to be about 2 years old. A fancy goldfish, (Black Moors, Fantails, etc...) can live to twenty years or more with proper care.

How big do goldfish get?

A telescope eye goldfish is in the fancy goldfish type, and most fancy golddfish get up to a foot long (with proper care).

How big do telascopic goldfish get?

A telescope eye goldfish is in the fancy goldfish type, and most fancy golddfish get up to a foot long (with proper care).

Can you have a small yellow goldfish in a small tank?

If the goldfish is a fancy variety, it can live alone in a 20 gallon tank. Goldfish do not belong in tanks any smaller than this as they grow very large

I have 5 goldfish in my tank. Three are regular goldfish and two are fancy goldfish.Why did one of my regular and one of my fancy goldfish turn white?

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Why do goldfish attack another goldfish?

ID3541807423 says: They aren't attacking each other, they are just playingPuertoRicoRocks says: Actually, it is rare, but goldfish can fight.But when goldfish are kept together it benefits them. (Unless it's a regular goldfish with a fancy goldfish, because in that case the regular goldfish would eat the food up before the fancy one gets to it.)It benefits them because they're not alone and they will swim more often, have more fun, and live a better life

Can the calestail goldfish and the comet goldfish live together?

Probably, but usually the comet goldfish will get all the food and/or the other goldfish will become miserable. This has happened to me before and I do not recommend putting them in the same tanks. Try putting the fancy and comet godlfish seperate!