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Q: I have 5 goldfish in my tank. Three are regular goldfish and two are fancy goldfish.Why did one of my regular and one of my fancy goldfish turn white?
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Is it ok to put a goldfish with a bubble eye goldfish?

Yes. It should be fine. I have 2 regular goldfish living with a bubble eye goldfish and to fancy fantail goldfish, so I think it will be okay.

Tankmates for fancy goldfish?

The best and only good tank mate for fancy goldfish, are other fancy goldfish.

Are fancy goldfish girls?

Fancy goldfish can be male or female.

Why do goldfish attack another goldfish?

ID3541807423 says: They aren't attacking each other, they are just playingPuertoRicoRocks says: Actually, it is rare, but goldfish can fight.But when goldfish are kept together it benefits them. (Unless it's a regular goldfish with a fancy goldfish, because in that case the regular goldfish would eat the food up before the fancy one gets to it.)It benefits them because they're not alone and they will swim more often, have more fun, and live a better life

How big do goldfish get?

A telescope eye goldfish is in the fancy goldfish type, and most fancy golddfish get up to a foot long (with proper care).

How big do telascopic goldfish get?

A telescope eye goldfish is in the fancy goldfish type, and most fancy golddfish get up to a foot long (with proper care).

Is a 30 gallon tank for 2 goldfish ok one of them is a fancy goldfish?

no goldfish and tropical fish cannot live together. gold fish are cold water fish and tropical fish are tropical fish. also only 2 goldfish can go in a 30 gallon, because goldfish make a lot of waste.

Can a goldfish go in the tank with regular fish?

Goldfish should be fine with other non-agressive coldwater fish. Be wary of fin-nippers as well, especially if your goldfish are the longer-tailed varieties. If you have fancy goldfish, especially the types like telescope eyes with poor vision, be sure your other fish are not so much faster than your fancy that it can't get to the food before it's all gone. Goldfish do not mix well with tropicals as the temperature requirements are too different.

What is a pearlscale goldfish?

They are a fancy goldfish (Carassius auratus). They were bred to have scales that look like pearls.

What do fancy goldfish eat?

normal fish food

Can you mix goldfish with shubunkins?

Shubunkins are goldfish, so therefore mixing goldfish with goldfish is usually not a problem. However, if the other goldfish are fancy then mixing them together would not be recommended.

Does fancy goldfish have bumps on there head?

Which type of fancy golldfihs do you mean? Oranda Goldfish have bumps on their heads, Fantail Goldifsh might have bumps on their heads, And other Goldfish propbably dont. Some of them have big eyes, like celestial.