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no goldfish and tropical fish cannot live together. gold fish are cold water fish and tropical fish are tropical fish. also only 2 goldfish can go in a 30 gallon, because goldfish make a lot of waste.

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13y ago

A Thirty gallon tank is fine for two goldfish, even if one is fancy. A general rule is that a Fancy needs 20 gallons for the first fish you put in, and 10 gallons for each additional fancy.

It's a bit difficult for beginners to keep a Fancy and a regular goldfish together in a tank, but as long as you make sure they both get fed enough, do regular tank changes and moniter the water levels you should be okay. :)

For more information see The forums there have plenty of smart people to help you with any goldfish/fish/etc. related issues.

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Q: Is a 30 gallon tank for 2 goldfish ok one of them is a fancy goldfish?
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Can you breed goldfish in a one gallon tank?

No. A one gallon tank is not appropriate for a singular goldfish much less multiple. A ten gallon tank is the bare minimum for a singular goldfish and breeding would require a tank of twenty gallons or more. A one gallon tank cannot handle the chasing that proceeds goldfish mating nor maintain a water quality that is suitable for raising goldfish fry.

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Is it okay if your goldfish is in a two gallon tank?

Absolutely not. One fancy goldfish requires 20 gallons on it's own, and a singletail goldfish requires 35 to 40 gallons alone with the exception of Koi which need a large pond.

Can a 2 comet goldfish live ia a 5 gallon tank?

One goldfish needs a 30-gallon tank, and an additional ten-gallons per additional goldfish. Goldfish can grow to be 10-12-inches long.

Can goldfish live in a one gallon tank with no filter?

For a few days yes.

Can you be 10 to buy a goldfish for your mum?

Stores will probably sell one to you no matter what your age, but remember that if you buy one fancy goldfish (they are the round fat ones) you will need a tank that is 20 gallons (75 litres) for that one fish.If you would like to buy a fish that only needs a small tank, you can get a betta and a 2.5 gallon tank (10 litres)

How many goldfish can live in a one gallon tank?

20 gallons for one fish and 10 gallon for each addition goldfish. See the related link for further information.

What goldfish can you put in a 2 gallon tank-freshwater and not to difficult to keep?

you would have to get a 10 gallon tank for 1 goldfish! you would need a 20 gallon tank for 2 goldfish. Also goldfish don't go well together there just being stored at the store they take the fish out right when they start to be aggressive. sorry bout your 2 gallon tank!!

Can a Black moor goldfish live in a 20 gallon tank?

Yes, you can have one goldfish in a 20 gallon tank, but no other tank mates, not even a snail.You still need to make sure you have a filter, and that you do regular weekly water changes as goldfish produce a high amount of waste.

Can black moor goldfish mate in 10 gallon tank?

A tiny little 10 gallon tank is no where near large enough to breed/spawn any kind of goldfish. It is not really large enough to house one goldfish properly.The base stocking rule in fish keeping is "1 inch of fish needs a MINIMUM of 1 gallon of water" Goldfish grow to at least 10 inches so the minimum size for one goldfish would be a (nominal) 13 gallon tank. (No one fills a tank to the brim) That would actually hold about 10 gallons.

How do you set up a 3 gallon goldfish tank?

You cant. Goldfish need much bigger tanks. 20-30 gallons. I bought 2 goldfish when I was new to aquarium hobby and put them in a 5 Gallon tank. The first one died in just one and a half day. The other one died just hours after the first one :( So if I were you, I would get a bigger tank.

Is a 1 gallon tank good enough for 2 around 1 inch long baby comet goldfish?

Comet goldfish need at least 30 gallons each because of the type of fish they are (single tail), the fact that they can grow extremely long, and they produce a lot of waste.A fancy goldfish (fatter with more tails) need 20 gallons for just one fish, so either way, your 1 gallon tank cannot hold any goldfish at all.