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My friend had hers in a mixed tank of platties and goldfish and such. They are lazy doccile fish mostly.

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Q: What other fish can a dragonfish live with?
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Can a dragonfish live with fancy goldfish?

yes, dragonfish can live with any other docile, non-aggressive fish.

Can you put a dragonfish and a cichlid in the same tank together without agressivness?

A dragonfish commonly known as a violet goby or dragon goby is a brackish water fish. Also, they are a very peaceful & shy fish and as such should not be housed with anything but other peaceful fish (mollies, guppies or platys)

What is the life span of the stomias boa boa scaly dragon fish?

The scaly dragonfish or boa dragonfish is a medium-sized abyssal barbeled dragonfish. This fish has a lifespan of 3.5 years.

How do black dragonfish mate?

The life cycle of a black dragonfish is thought to be around 1 year. This is because the fish doesnÕt have advanced intestines.

How long does a Black dragonfish live?

the antarctic waters deep under the Antarctic waters where it is dark.

Who eats a dragonfish?

a red flunder fish

What animals live in the deepest oceans?

Alot of fish live in the deep sea, there are: anglerfish, sea devils, dragonfish, viperfish, lantern sharks, giant squid, fish that glow, fish that you can see through, and sperm whales sometimes go down there to eat squid.

What is life cycle of the dragonfish?

My answer is maybe has the same life cycle as a normal fish.

Do viper fish have predators?

Yes Dragonfish, certain species of sharks and dolphins.

How do you catch a black dragonfish?

the black dragonfish likes meat so i would probably get a fish like the beta because dragonfish will eat anything smaller than itself. or you can set a glass trap underwater to catch it because you fo not want to touch a dragonfish because it will bite your finger off.

Where does the Black dragonfish live?

the deep zone or midnight zone

Fish in antarctica?

krill,flat frill head fish, ice fish,polar fish,plunder fish,Antarctic toothfish,Antarctic dragonfish,antarctic cods