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Please do not attempt to mix amphibians with fish. It can not, and will not be successfull. They require totally different temperature ranges to live in and the newt will poison the water for the Betta. The basic rules of sucessfull fishkeeping are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water.(a Betta needs at least 3 gallons heated to around 78F) :- Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Follow the above and your fish will stand a chance of survival. Fail to follow them and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will live a shortened lifespan.

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Q: Can a fire belly newt live with a Betta?
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Can you hold a fire belly newt?


What is the diet of a Japanese Fire Belly Newt?

Water,n00b! XD

Can you put a baby fire belly newt in a 7 in tank?

If it has gills and it can swim.

How long does a great crested newt live for?

in my opinion newts live up to 65 years, the average live of fire belly newts is from 30 to 60 years:]

Why don't my fire belly newt swim in the water that much?

they don't like the water that much

How old can fire belly newts get?

The Japanese Fire-Bellied Newt will reach 9-12cm (3 1/2- 4 1/4in).

What types of newts get along with fire belly newts?

Fire belly newts both should get along unless there both females. They will stay away from each other but if you put a female and male together you will get a surprise also i think the blue belly newt will get along with the fire belly cause my friend haves both blue belly and fire belly and they get along just fine!

What does a boy fire belly newt look like?

A boy fire bellied newt has a red back with black spots about, 4 and on it's stomach it has the same except it's back is more dark than it's back.

What type of Newt is brown with an all orange belly?

This could be a rough-skinned newt. They are found on the west coast of the US.

What is all the classifications of a newt?

there are hundreds of species of newts and salamanders, most of which are terrestrial but some are aquatic. This is true, there are alot, and some popular ones are Oregon newts, fire belly newts, red belly newts.

Are turtles and fire belly newts compatible?

Absolutely NOT, newts and most other amphibians are toxic, and turtles eat just about anything they can fit in there mouths. If your turtle decides to eat the newt, not only will the newt die, but the turtle will succumb to the toxins in the newts skin.

What do fire belied newts eat?

they eat chopped earth worms or frozen, blood worms and newt food which u can buy at probably any pet store i know this cause i have one!! lol