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no that's why you fix them

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Q: Can a fixed female cat have babies?
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Can female cat get pregnant when they fix?

No, because fixed means fixed. They have stuff taken away required to have babies when fixed.

Are fixed female cats attracted to male cats which are not fixed?

If your female cat is fixed aund another male cat is not fixed your female cat should not be attracted to the male cat but the male cat could be attracted to your female cat. ;)

What is is called when a female cat gets fixed?


Why your male cat is not into the female in heat?

He is probably fixed.

What are neutered female cats called?

a cat that has had it's bitys cut off so it can not have any more babies, an entire cat is the opposite a cat that has had it's bitys cut off so it can not have any more babies, an entire cat is the opposite

Why are my female fixed cat's teats red?

Their probably infected my cat had the same thing. :(

How do you check if your female cat has been fixed?

take her to a veterinarian

What do you call the male and female cat?

The male has a penis, female a vagina. They produce babies with these mythological parts

Can a female cat have babies without a male cat?

No. Cat queens do require a male cat to fertilize them before they can have kittens.

Can a fixed female cat put off a scent?

Sometimes a fixed female cat will still have the instinct to urine mark her territory. It can also be a sign of a urinary tract problem or infection. It is best to seek veterinary advice if your cat is marking.

How do you manually check if your female cat has been fixed?

There is no way to tell if a female cat has been neutered excepting surgery. Obviously a neutered cat will not come into season.

How do cats feed their children?

The female cat feeds her babies with her milk.