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Q: Can a follower of a follower see my tweet if my account is protected?
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Can non followers in twitter see if you mentioned them in a tweet although your tweets are protected?

If you included their full username (@username) then that tweet will appear in their @replies even if your account is protected.

When my twitter account is protected is the person whom I follow but not following me back able to see my tweet to them?

No they won't see your tweet.

When you twitter someone you follow does he see your tweet?

When you tweet something, if you account is not protected, then anyone can see anything. Your tweets will come up in your followers' timelines (home pages/newsfeeds, whatever terms you prefer). If you want to tweet something to someone then type the "@" and their username next to it. Then it will go under their mentions tab and they will see that you tweeted at them. Hope this helps!

Would a tweet to a locked account show up on your timeline for others to see?

if your account is locked then nobody can see what you posted. if someone wants to follow you and if accept it then they can see what you post cause they are following you.

Does putting period before a twitter handle send tweet to anyone other than your followers?

All of your followers will be able to see it. Similarly, it will appear in search results like all tweets unless your account is protected.

Can people see your deleted tweet on twitter?

No it will be deleted from their mentions too. Unless they received an email notification from the original tweet. *others may say it still comes as a notification but they can't get to it, that was in the past, the one that Erik Gruber posted is current.

Who can see your tweets?

If your account isn't protected then anyone can go to your profile and see your tweets. Similarly, your tweets can appear in search results. For example, if someone searches "dog" and you mention "dog" in one of your tweets then it will appear in the results.

If you tweet someone who is not following you and your tweets are protected can they see your tweets?

If you protect your updates, the people who follow you CAN see your tweets, but ONLY the people who follow you.

Can verified people on Twitter see mentions directed to them from a protected account?

Yes they see it.

Can people who followed you see your activity if your tweets are protected?

Anyone that was following you before you protected your account can still see your tweets/activity unless you block them or they unfollow you.Once your account is protected, only those people that you accept can follow you and view your Twitter activity.

Where can you find list of friend requests on twitter?

If you have protected tweets you will see any new follower requests on the right hand side sidebar on your homepage.

How can you see your tweet?

Any tweet you send will be shown on your timeline and also on your profile.