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Yes it can, however they tend to be a bit slow getting through. Leaving the drill set on hammer may be helpful

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Q: Can a hammer drill bit be used on wood?
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What drill bit is used when drilling concrete?

masonry bit, and if you have a hammer drill makes life a lot easier.

What are the benefits of using an SDS hammer drill?

An SDS hammer drill is an electric drill that hammers the drill bit in and out slightly as it drills with it. This type of drill is mainly used to make holes in concrete or masonry, and is able to do so easier than a regular drill and bit are.

What do you use hammer drills for?

the hammer function on drills is used with a masonary bit and used to drill holes in brick or concrete block.

Can you use a rotary hammer drill bit in a hammer drill?

If it fits in the chuck straight, yes you can use it. It will be much more effective in a rotary hammer drill though.

A can be used to cut a round hole in wood?

you can cut a hole in wood using a special drill attachment. alternatively you could drill a hole then cut a hole with a jigsaw

What is a tool for a boring holes with five letters?

How about bit (as in drill bit) or possibly awl.

What is the effect of wrong type of a drill bit for product?

A wrong type of drill bit will seldom ruin a project, but can cause small difficulties. For instance drilling fast through soft wood with an HSS drill bit will cause splintering coming out. Drilling fast into steel with a drill bit intended for wood will severely blunt the drill bit.

How is a masonry bit used?

Masonry refers to brick and cement. If you have to drill a hole in that kind of material, just put the masonry bit in your drill, and you can drill the hole in exactly the same way that you would drill a hole in wood, it works the same way.

What is the best way of securing decking on top of a brick wall?

I would drill into the brick with a hammer drill and a small bit and use a masonry screw. Lowe's has hammer drills in the $79 - 99 range, or you can rent them at a variety of places. Make sure you are using a hammer drill bit designed for masonry.

What is a grab it drill bit?

A grab it drill bit is a piece of hardware that attaches to the end of any drill and pulls out stripped or damaged screws that cannot normally be removed with a screw driver or a drill, and would other wise cause damage to underlying material if a hammer was used to forcibly pull it out.

What is the difference between a drill with a hammer function and an impact drill?

The hammer function makes the tool make hits (like a hammer) without rotating. The impact drill means it will make hits and rotate at the same time. Usually you would use a masonry drill bit withe the impact drill function and a chisel for the hammer function.

What type of drill is best used to drill through concrete walls?

A good drill is important for use on concrete walls, but the bit you use can be just as necessary. A hammer drill with bit that has a carbide or diamond tip would be a good recommendation, remember that using goggles is vital because of the concrete dust.