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Q: Can a human digest wood if he takes a pill that contains a cellulose digesting enzyme?
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Where in a plant cell is the cellulose digesting enzyme?

the mitochondria

Why you cannot digest cellulose like the cattle do?

Cows do not digest cellulose cell walls because they, as an animal, are incapable of producing a special enzyme, called cellulase, to do the job. The cellulose-digesting bacteria in their rumen, however, are capable of producing such an enzyme and are thus responsible for digesting cellulose and helping the cow obtain essential nutrients from coarse plant material where she cannot.

Humans cannot digest cellulose because they?

Because they do not have the digestive enzyme to break down cellulose.

Why do animals do not digest cellulose?

Humans are unable to get metabolic energy from cellulose because they lack the enzymes necessary to chemically break it down. Since the human body can't properly digest cellulose, it's passed in the feces.

What makes cellulose nondigestable in humans?

We lack the enzyme cellulase... and we don't have bacteria in our stomachs that do like cows, only bacteria can digest cellulose.

Which organisms can digest cellulose and how they are able to do this?

Micro-organisms, such as bacteria, are able to digest cellulose. No mammals are able to digest cellulose. This is because cellulose contains a β(1,4) linkage that no mammalian enzyme can break. This is why herbivores must have symbiotic bacteria somewhere in their digestive system that help them break down cellulose.

How do cows digest cellulose?

Because cattle are ruminants and cellulose is broken down by the microbes found inside of the rumen and then digested further in the cecum. Humans do not have a multiple-chambered stomach nor a functional cecum, thus making digesting cellulose impossible. Cellulose only acts as a gut filler for humans, which is the main reason why plant matter passes through so quickly (in around 2 hours) in a human's digestive tract compared to meat, and compared to the time it takes plant matter to go through a cow's digestive tract.

What enzyme is responsible for digesting carbohydrates?

salivary amylase (salivary glads) and pancreatic amylase (pancreas)

Explain the importance of cellulose in the human diet?

Humans lack the necessary enzyme to digest cellulose, so it acts as roughage in the intestines and helps with the digestion process

Saliva and pancreatic juice contains what enzyme to digest starch?


Do buffalo have specialized digestive tract to digest plant cellulose?

Animals such as cows, horses, sheep, goats, and termites have symbiotic bacteria in the intestinal tract that contain the enzymes that allow them to digest cellulose in the GI tract. No vertebrate (animals with an internal skeleton) can digest cellulose directly; all must use the enzyme to break down cellulose.

What does symbiosis describe?

In symbiosis there is benefit to both host and symbiont.example in the intestine of termite tryconympha companula is present. It secretes the cellulose digesting enzyme beta-glucosidases which converts cellulose into glucose which is later shared by both.