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Yes they can. Because you are not getting in much if any carbohydrates your blood sugar remains very low, because your body and particularly your brain prefers to run on glucose the body is forced to make it's own, to do this it has to release hormones to assist in gluconeogenesis (the creation of glucose) these hormones are our bodies ''fight or flight'' hormones mainly cortisol and adrenaline. With these hormones circulating the body it can cause people to feel all the lovely feelings that come along with anxiety.

Another factor at play is serotonin levels, in people with anxiety and depression it's been shown that they have low levels of serotonin in the brain. Carbohydrates help in the creation of serotonin and depleting them from your diet will also deplete serotonin levels.

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Corn is one of the high carb vegetables. I would have to say I wouldn't on a low carb diet.

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Yes, a low carb diet plan does help to minimize glucose in the blood. The best low carb diet plan is the one created by the mayo clinic. More info here:

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Yes, you can have sugar substitutes such as splenda. Much better for a low carb diet.

Where can one find information on how to eat during a low carb diet along with details on what a low carb diet is and who it is right for?

You can find information by consulting your physician. Or go to the website of mayoclinic. Low carb diet is eating a low in carbohydrates foods for your diet like the oats. In this diet exercising can be helpful.

Where can I find out more about low carb diets?

For a low carb diet, I would look up a diet online. The internet has tons of information on ALL kinds of low carb diets. Maybe you can look into a full time diet plan.

What kinds of foods are involved in a low carb diet?

If you are wanting to go on a low carb diet, try looking for a low carb meal planner online. It will give you an idea of what you can eat but also give you the recipes that you would need to start your diet.

Are there any websites that could help me find low carb foods? this site offers some good information on low carb foods and a low carb diet. It talks about how on a low carb diet you can lower your weight by restricting the amount of carbohydrates you eat.