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No. You need one of each.

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Q: Can a male betta fish breed without female?
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Can you breed any other fish with a female betta fish?

The simple answer is no.

Can a male plakat betta fish mate with a regular female betta fish?

Yes all bettas can mate with other bettas. " regular betta fish" there are different types and they can all breed together.

Can the female betta fish breed without a male fish?

No they cannot. But if you're planning on breeding your betta fish I suggest you don't let the male and female share a bowl all the time. Because the female may not be particularly nice to the male. By that I mean she'll probably bite at him and other things so just be aware of that. Hope this helps :)

How do you make female and male betta fish mate?

You can not "MAKE" any fish breed. All you can do is look after them correctly and bring them into breeding condition, then provide the fish with the right conditions and "HOPE" they will breed for you.

Which female fighter fish is pair to red crown?

If you can get a female of the same type as the male you have, that is best, but any female Betta will spawn with any male Betta provided they have the correct conditions and are both ready to breed.

Do male betta make nest even when there is no female?

Yes! Betta fish males can make bubble nests whether or not a female betta is present! Male bettas make nests when their home are in proper conditions and they are ready to breed.

How do you breed betta fish without them killing each other?

keep the male and female in different containers at first, then put them together. If they fight then the female is not ready to spawn. After the spawning the female need to be removed right away or they will fight.

Can betta fish breed without a nest?

they can. but it is VERY rare. usually you would see a bubble nest.

Will a female betta fish kill other female betta fish?

Np, but they will bite. Yes, they will fight to the death.

Can Commit fish breed with Betta fish?

No, Betta fish are aggressive toward any other fish they see. They cannot mate.

What does it mean that a male Betta Fish has bubbles at the top of his bowl since adding a female Betta Fish yesterday?

the guy at PetSmart told me it means the fish wants to mate ...yep, even fish have the need :)

Why do female betta fish need a male betta fish to give birth?
