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Why are the being sued? past due on auto loans They can be sued. I think your question is - if they win the judgement, can they garnish the SSI payment. NO. See link for citation

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Q: Can a person on Social Security Disability be sued for auto loans?
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Can social security help get loans?

No, social security benefits cannot be used as collateral for loans. However, some lenders may consider other sources of income, such as retirement benefits, when determining loan eligibility. It is best to consult with a lender directly to understand your specific options.

In what states can your disability check be garnished?

can the state of maryland garnish my government disability check for back taxes owed the state of maryland ?no they cannot, disability or social security cannot be garnished, Except for child support and Federal TAXES.

Can the IRS levy or garnish a Social Security Disability Settlement Check?

Social Security does not allow garnishment of disability benefits by creditors. Any credit card company, business, or individual who has won a judgment against you will never garnish your Social Security disability check.Social Security will allow garnishment of your Social Security disability benefits for current and past due child support or alimony. And the Internal Revenue Service is allowed to garnish Social Security disability and retirement benefits for delinquent taxes.Also, in addition to the IRS, other federal agencies may be allowed to garnish Social Security disability benefits.For instance, if an individual owes student loans that were federally guaranteed their Social Security disability benefit can be garnished.In theory, any money owed to the federal government can conceivably be garnished from Social Security retirement or disability checks.If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits, however, no creditor can garnish your benefit, not even the Federal Government. Since SSI is a need based disability benefit, it cannot be garnished.

Can a collection agency take your social security in Washington?

No. Social security and social security disability CAN NOT be garnished by a collection agency, BUT the Federal government can garnish it for child support, back taxes, unpaid student loans or any other money for which it is owed. SSI on the other hand CAN NOT be garnished by anyone, not even the Federal government since it is awarded by need. Hope this helps, Lsqud in PA

What payday loans accept people who get disability benefits?

express loans does

Both your husband and you have student loans will you be responsible for his in a divorce?

Federally Guaranteed student loans are linked to the borrower by their social security number. Only the person listed on the loan by SS# is obligated to repay the loan, not spouses, parents, children, or anyone else.

Where can you apply for loans only using your tax id number instead of social security number?

who gives loans for small businesses with tax id numbers for lines of credit

Can the federal government garnish the total amount of your social security check?

For unpaid taxes and unpaid student loans, yes.

Can child support be taken from your main social security disability check?

Yes. Your social security disabilty check can be garnished for child support or government debts, like student loans, although im not sure of the maximum they can take . ( 15% of Gross Amount of Check)

Can social security and disability checks under 750 be garnished for defaulted student loans yes or no?

The answer is NO, SSI will NEVER be garnished, except to repay SSI overpayments, which can be recovered by a 10% reduction of benefits. SSI will NEVER be garnished for student loans, back taxes, etc.Regular social security payments (NOT SSI) can be garnished IF you draw MORE than $750/month. If you make LESS than $750/month, nothing can be taken from your earnings. A garnishment can take 15% or the amount OVER $750, whichever is less to repay a "non-tax" debt, such as a student loan.

Is there a grandfather clause for student loans prior to legislation to garnish social security benefits?

Absolutely not.See Lockhart vs. United States.

Can i get Car loans without social security number or tax number?

no you can not get car loan without social security or tax number because this is our country rule for purchase car or car related every thing you can get second hand car with out these requirement