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Q: Can a person with b negative blood donate to a person with b positive blood?
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Can a negative donate blood to A positive?

No, an O Positive person cannot donate to an A Negative person because the person who is Negative, or Rh Negative, will react to the Positive (Rh Positive) blood. Negative can only get Negative, Positive can get Positive or Negative.

What blood types can person with blood type A negative donate?

A person with A negative blood can donate blood to a person with A negative blood and a person with AB negative blood.

What is Rh positive and Rh negative mean?

Rh factor is a protein that is found in the blood of about 85% of the population. Those who have the factor are Rh positive, while those who don't, are Rh negative. A person who is Rh negative can safely donate blood to persons with or without the protein. A person who is Rh positive can only donate to those who are Rh positive.

Can a person with o positive blood donate a kidney to a peron with a positive blood?


Can blood type 0 donate to anyone?

If you have type o negative then you are the universal donor and could donate to any other blood type. If you have o positive then you would be limited in what blood types you could donate to.

Can a person that has o positive blood and a person with a positive blood make a child that has a negative blood?


Can a person donate blood that is o negative?

any blood could be donated.

What blood type can donate to everyone else?

Blood type AB can only donate to another AB type. Blood type O+ can be given to anyone, but a blood type like A or B or AB can only be donated to a person who has the same exact blood type as the person who is donating their blood.

Is blood type 0-compatible with A positive?

A Positive can RECEIVE A+, A-, O+, and O- blood. A Positive can DONATE to A+, and AB+ O Positive can DONATE to A+, B+, O+, and AB+. O Positive can RECEIVE O+ and O- blood only. As far as conception and what the child would be and if there would be any complications directly linked to the blood type, The possible combinations of blood type for the child would be AO+ (thus being "A Positive) or OO+ (Thus being "O Positive) and since both blood types are "+" (meaning they both contain the protein), then there should be no incompatibility problems.

What does having blood which types as B positive mean?

Blood type B positive means that you have anti-A antibodies, B-antigens, and an Rh factor that is positive. As a B+, you can receive blood from people with blood types O postive, O negative, B positive, and B negative, however a B+ blood type can only donate to a person with B+ and AB+ blood type.

What all blood groups can donate blood to A negative person?

An individual with A- (A negative) blood can safely receive the following blood types during a transfusion:A-O-

Main differences in o positive,and o negative?

The positive or negative in the blood types refer to the Rh factor, which is an antigen. Antigens trigger immune responses. Being positive or negative for the Rh factor will impact who you can receive a blood donation from, and who you can donate blood to.