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Q: Can a postively charged body attract another positively charged body?
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Do positively charged objects attract each other?

no,they do not attract.

What effect do positive and negative charges have on one another?

Positively and negatively charged objects attract one another.

What is closer to nucleus the stronger the attractive force?

When it is close to the nucleus because the postively charged protons attract the negatively charged electrons

What type of compound is composed of negatively and postively charge atoms?

Ionic compounds are made up of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions.

What will happen if a negatively charged rod is brought close to a small plastic ball if the ball is postively charged?

They will attract becuase oppsites attract. If something is positivley charge and the other this is negativley charged they will almost always attract. Hope I helped.

2.Positively charged objects can only attract objects that are negatively charged?

Any charged object weather positively charged or negatively charged will have an attractive interaction with a neutral object. Neutral objects do not attract or repel each other.

Why neutral bodies attract positively charged bodies?


What would happen if you touch the knob of a positively charged electroscope with another positively charged object?

Like charges repel. Unlike charges attract. Therefore, you would expect them to repel each other.

Attraction and repulsion?

Attraction and repulsion, in physics means, is when two objects attract and repel one another. For example, an When a negatively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with negatively charged leaves, the leaves will repel. Same goes for when a positively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with positively charged leaves, the leaves will repel. But if a negatively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with positively charged leaves, the leaves will attract. Kind of like opposites attract, and likeness repels.

What is the primary attractive force among the polar molecules in liquid hydrogen chloride?

Polar molecules have a positively charged pole and a negatively charged pole. The positively charged pole of one molecule will attract the negatively charged pole of another molecule, in accordance with Coulomb's Law.

When positively charged particles and negatively charged particles attract each other the substance is?


Would the lithium atom be positively charged if the bromine atom were to attract electron from lithium?

Positively (apex)