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The book on the table belongs to Jon.

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Q: Can a preposition be part of the complete subject?
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Is this a subject pronoun or object pronounThe principal and you presented the perfect attendence awards at the assembly?

The pronoun you is functioning as part of the compound subject of the sentence.The complete subject is 'The principle and you'.The pronoun 'you' functions as a subject or an object pronoun.Example: The attendance awards were presented by the principle and you. (functioning as the object of the preposition 'by')

What is the difference between a clause and a prepositional phrase?

a clause has a subject and a verb and may or may not complete a though (depended on a subordinate clause or independent). A prepositional phrase has a preposition and the object of the preposition

Can the object of a preposition be the subject of a sentence?

No, the object of a preposition cannot be the subject of a sentence. The object of a preposition is a noun or pronoun that comes after a preposition in a sentence. The subject of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb.

What is the Subject of a preposition?

The subject of a preposition is the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition in a sentence and is linked to the rest of the sentence by that preposition. It typically describes the relationship between the subject of the sentence and the object being referred to.

What is the complete prepositional phrase?

The preposition, the object of the preposition, and everything in between. The object of the preposition answers the question "(preposition) what?" For example: He looked in the box worriedly. "in the box" is the prepositional phrase because "in" is the preposition, and "box" is the object of the preposition. "Box" answers the question, "(preposition) what?, or in this case, "In what?"

Related questions

Can a sentence be considered complete if it is a noun preposition article noun like mountains to the east?

No. Minimum sentence structure is subject+predicate, not preposition.

Is this a subject pronoun or object pronounThe principal and you presented the perfect attendence awards at the assembly?

The pronoun you is functioning as part of the compound subject of the sentence.The complete subject is 'The principle and you'.The pronoun 'you' functions as a subject or an object pronoun.Example: The attendance awards were presented by the principle and you. (functioning as the object of the preposition 'by')

What part of speech is 'motel of'?

"Motel of" is not a single part of speech. "Motel" is a noun; "of" is a preposition. It is not a complete phrase - prepositions require objects.

What is the difference between a clause and a prepositional phrase?

a clause has a subject and a verb and may or may not complete a though (depended on a subordinate clause or independent). A prepositional phrase has a preposition and the object of the preposition

Which word is wrong in this sentence a packet of chips were found on the bench?

The word "were" in the sentence should be "was" instead. The simple subject of the sentence is "packet", a singular noun that requires a singular verb form. "Chips" is merely the object of a preposition and not the simple subject of the sentence, although it is part of the complete subject.

Can the object of a preposition be the subject of a sentence?

No, the object of a preposition cannot be the subject of a sentence. The object of a preposition is a noun or pronoun that comes after a preposition in a sentence. The subject of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb.

What is the Subject of a preposition?

The subject of a preposition is the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition in a sentence and is linked to the rest of the sentence by that preposition. It typically describes the relationship between the subject of the sentence and the object being referred to.

What part of speech is part of speech?

The term "part of speech" is a noun phrase, which is any word or group of words based on a noun or pronoun (without a verb) that can function in a sentence as a subject, object of a verb or a preposition. A noun phrase can be one word or many words. The word "part" is a noun, "of" is a preposition, and "speech" is a noun. object of the preposition.

Daedalus and his son icarus were imprisoned in a great maze a object of a preposition b complete predicate c complete subject d independent clause?


What part of of speech is 'is'?

The term "part of speech" is a noun phrase, which is any word or group of words based on a noun or pronoun (without a verb) that can function in a sentence as a subject, object of a verb or a preposition. A noun phrase can be one word or many words. The word "part" is a noun, "of" is a preposition, and "speech" is a noun. object of the preposition.

What are the nouns and pronouns of this sentence Frank's call to his house was about Sue's accident?

The nouns in the sentence are:Frank's (possessive form), part of subject noun phrasecall, subject of the sentencehouse, object of the preposition 'to'Sue's (possessive form), part of object of the preposition 'about' noun phraseaccident, object of the preposition 'about'The only pronoun in the sentence is 'his', a possessive adjective describing the noun 'house'.

What is the simple subject in this sentence Betsy learned how to walk?

Betsy is the simple subject in this sentence, and really the complete subject. Learned is the verb, because it is an action and is what Betsy (the subject) did. How is the direct object. (Therefore, learned would be a transitive verb.) It answers learned what? Learned how. To walk is a prepositional phrase. To is the preposition and walk is the object of the preposition in this phrase.